LPA:136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links
To request a hard copy or CD copy of the Local Public Agency (LPA) Policy, contact:
- Missouri Department of Transportation
- Attention: Marie Hunolt
- P.O. Box 270
- Jefferson City, MO 65102
or, by e-mail, at marie.hunolt@modot.mo.gov or by calling (573) 526-5859.
Please use the LPA Manual Change Request Form to request manual changes throughout the year or the Revisions Comments Form to make comments on the proposed revisions posted every October.
136.14.1 Local Programs
Local Programs provides federal funding to cities and counties for their transportation improvements. Please refer to 136 Local Public Agency Policy for guidance to utilize federal funding made available to local agencies through the programs listed below. Transportation Enhancements (TE)
This program provides funding through a competitive selection process for transportation related activities other than routine highway and bridge construction. For program details and project examples, click on the desired district, listed to the right, to access the TE Guide. If you have comments, concerns or questions, please contact Terry Cox via phone at (573) 526-0531, fax at (573) 526-2819 or e-mail at terry.cox@modot.mo.gov. Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (BRO)
This program provides funding to counties for replacement or rehabilitation of deficient bridges. On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (BRM)
This program provides funding through a competitive selection process for replacement or rehabilitation of deficient bridges. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)
This program provides funding for projects that improve air quality within Environmental Protection Agency designated areas. Surface Transportation Program (STP)
Large Urban
This program provides funding for transportation facilities within the Transportation Management Areas of Kansas City, Springfield and St. Louis.
Small Urban
This program provides funding for transportation facilities within urban areas with an urban cluster population greater than 5,000.
136.14.2 Other Helpful Information Commonly Used Forms
DBE Submittal Forms
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Contract Provisions
FHWA Form 1273 Required Contract Provisions
Utility Agreement - Actual Cost
Utility Agreement - Lump Sum
Notice to Proceed
Daily Force Account Record-Equipment Rental Account/Materials Account
Daily Force Account Record-Labor Account
Force Account Record - Cost Summary
Sample Timesheet Examples of Completed Forms
Form CE-2 Example
Utility Lump Sum Estimate Example
Utility Actual Cost Estimate Example
Sample Utilities Status Letter
Sample Job Special Provisions for Utilities
Sample Utility Agreement - Lump Sum
Sample Utility Agreement - Actual Cost
Bridge Slab Pour Checklist & Pre-Pour Meeting Topics
136.14.3 Links to Other Resources
- Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements (41 CFR 60.1 and 41 CFR 60.2)