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Revision as of 15:06, 2 February 2018 by EPGsysop (talk | contribs) (EPG 129.12)
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•Article History & How to Receive EMails When Articles are Revised
Want help on how to update your EPG guidance?  It is available at EPG Approval Process.
The Electronic MoDOT Spec Book for Mobile Devices is now available. You may also sign up for E-Update notices. To receive notices regarding Engineering Policy Revisions, select "Engineering Policy" then mark the appropriate subjects of interest.

Missouri's first “diverge-about” is at I-49 and 155th St. in Belton. MoDOT’s innovative interchange will handle a larger volume of traffic, enhance the area for anticipated new development, accommodate existing traffic in Belton and Grandview, and has a dedicated shared use path for non-motorized vehicles and pedestrian traffic. (View a video of exiting I-49 South and heading east on 155th toward Grandview.)
Sr. Maint. Worker Jason Wilkerson demonstrates (while Sr. Maint. Worker Brett Griffith narrates on Winter Truck Washing) some of the conscientious skills required to thoroughly clean MoDOT equipment. These and other workers are showcased in the Winter Truck Washing video.

MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, were used to deliver those commitments and have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry.

These forward-thinking, innovative concepts are reflected in the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related guidance by combining the former Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance manuals.

MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software delivering the EPG. Over 40 million hits on the EPG endorse this format to be easy to navigate and pleasing to read. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist with helpful hints on how to use the EPG as well as other points of interest.

Perhaps you've wondered how many hits the most popular EPG articles have. As of early February, the numbers of hits are:
20. EPG 136 167622  10. EPG 751.5 233508
19. EPG 134 174896  9. EPG 600 266745
18. EPG 751.40 175506  8. EPG 616.23 271682
17. EPG 136.4 178788  7. EPG 100 317124
16. EPG 620.2 187943  6. EPG 700 331524
15. EPG 903 195575  5. EPG 900 351484
14. EPG 200 196971  4. EPG 101 374946
13. EPG 751.50 202036  3. EPG 136.12 386826
12. EPG 136.9 214682  2. EPG 751 451278
11. EPG 616 219980  1. EPG Main Page 3041963

EPG 129.12 Presentation for Location or Design Approval to the Commission

2/2/18: Clarified the requirements for location and design approval, which is required even if an LPA is administering and paying for the improvement.

EPG Other Aspects of Pavement Design, Minor Roads

2/2/18: Clarification about pavement thicknesses/types sometimes not included on typical sections.

EPG 616.6.89 Radar Speed Advisory Assembly

2/2/18: Expanded and updated guidance on the placement of the Radar Speed Advisory Assembly. Also slightly updated Work Zone Questions for the Core Team in EPG 616.14 Work Zone Safety and Mobility Policy.

Clear Zones for 1R and 2R Projects

2/1/18: In EPG 128.2 Preventive Maintenance Projects (1R and 2R) and EPG 231.2 Clear Zones, the guidance regarding clear zones and roadside hardware for 1R and 2R projects was condensed and clarified.

EPG 131.1.4 The Design Exception Process

1/26/18: Design Exceptions are to be stored electronically in eProjects after Central Office Design and/or Bridge divisions have reviewed and approved.

EPG, No-Pick-Up Time for Tack Coats

1/18/18: This new TM is now available.

Asphalt Cement Price Index Adjustments

1/18/18: "Guidance for Asphalt Cement Price Index Adjustments" has been updated to include info about contingent item work. The document is located in various articles including EPG 402.1.1 Plan Preparation and EPG 403 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement.

Right of Way Acquisition Authority and Project Funding

1/17/18: To align with current CFR regulations, guidance in EPG Limited Acquisition Authority and Project Funding and EPG Acquisition Authority and Project Funding updated what RW activities can be coded to the PE number prior to receiving FHWA's "A" date approval.

Engineering Factors Report

1/10/18: The latest version of the Engineering Factors Report, providing SFY 2015 to SFY 2017 info, is now presented in EPG 104.7 Estimates.

Fig. 104.7, Cost Estimate Guide for Rural Preliminary Design

12/18/17: A few bridge structure entries in this document have been revised.

EPG 110.1 Wage Rates

12/15/17: Guidance for QA measures to assure compliance with wage rate reviews was expanded.

EPG 751.5.1.3 Grammar and Punctuation

11/13/17: The capitalization rules were updated and two additions were added to the nomenclature.

Design Exception Process

11/6/17: In EPG 131.1.4, was updated to show that CO Design does not need to file a copy of every approved design exception. These should simply be stored in eProjects. Also, the formal submittal letter is no longer needed. Project context can be provided directly on the design exception form.

EPG 127.13.12 MoDOT Procedures for Assessment and Abatement of Highway Traffic and Construction Noise

11/3/17: New EPG 127.13.12 provides guidance for developing a sound study and report. Other revisions to EPG 127.13 Noise clarify and expand definitions and the analysis of traffic noise impacts and mitigation.

Valley Section Locations

11/3/17: EPG 238.3.36 Bridge Surveys was updated to reflect changes in responsibility. In EPG 747.1 Bridge Survey Location Request and EPG 750.3.1.1 Survey Locations, guidance for district submittal of request for valley section locations was expanded.

Discharging into a MSE Wall Backfill

11/3/17: In EPG 747.2.6.2 Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall Systems, EPG 751.1 Preliminary Design, EPG 751.10.3 Bridge Deck Drainage - Slab Drains and EPG 751.24.2.1 Design, guidance for bridge deck drain, approach drainage, roadway drainage or collected drain water discharging into a MSE wall backfill area was revised.

EPG 751.40.1.2 Steel HP Pile Maintenance and Repair

11/3/17: New EPG 751.40.1.2 Steel HP Pile Maintenance and Repair presents guidelines to be used by Bridge maintenance or district maintenance to maintain or repair existing steel HP piles.

Sealed Joint Design

10/27/17: Much of EPG 751.13 Expansion Devices was revised to reflect the improved design and details for both Preformed Compression and Strip Seal Expansion Joint Systems. New designs and details for Preformed Silicon or EPDM Seal Expansion Joint Systems were also issued. Numerous standard detail notes were revised or added in EPG 751.50 H5c, H5d and H5e.

Required Number of Strands

10/13/17: In EPG 751.22.1.1 Material Properties and EPG 751.23.1.1 Material Properties, guidance was expanded for reporting on the girder plans the required number of strands by design and the total initial prestress force.

EPG Security Assessment for Leased Areas Over or Under Highway Structures

10/11/17: A table was added to clarify policies for storing items under bridges.

Licensing of Junkyard

10/11/17: The junkyard expiration date was updated in EPG Issuing a New License and EPG 236.17.5 Junkyard Renewal to match the statutes.

EPG 237.13.2 Electronic Design Data

10/10/17: The list of electronic design data files generated from GEOPAK for Roadway Contract Plans was updated.

End of Slab Guidance

9/29/17: In EPG 751.10.1.10 Slab Offsets for Curved Bridges and EPG 751.10.1.16 Plan of Slab Details, guidance was clarified about how to show and identify the end of slab in a plan of slab detail when expansion joint systems are located at the end bents. In EPG 751.6.2.10 Bridge Slabs and Note B3.21, guidance about how to estimate slab quantities when expansion joint systems are present was clarified.

EPG 751.5.1.4 Contract Addendums and Construction Changes

9/28/17: Guidance for change orders to bridge plans was clarified.

Work Zone Transportation Management Plan

9/27/17: In EPG 616.14.8 Significant Projects, the criteria of "significant project" was revised. The requirements for TCP were revised in EPG 616.14.10 Work Zone Transportation Management Plan.

EPG 236.5.19 Survey Requirements

9/19/17: Guidance about who may prepare legal descriptions was clarified and brought into compliance with new legislation.