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Revision as of 08:15, 25 November 2015 by Smithk (talk | contribs) (EPG 941.5, EPG 236.5.15)
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Want help on how to update your EPG guidance?  It is available at EPG Approval Process.
The Electronic MoDOT Spec Book for Mobile Devices is now available. You may also sign up for E-Update notices. To receive notices regarding Engineering Policy Revisions, select "Engineering Policy" then mark the appropriate subjects of interest.

Sr. Maintenance Worker Billy Barber drives a plow truck during the statewide winter operations drill. The drill tests MoDOT’s preparedness for the upcoming winter season.
Patrick K. McKenna greets the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission at the press conference where he was named to be the new Director of MoDOT.
New signals and signs have been installed along Rte. 6 in St. Joseph. Below, a flashing yellow arrow helps heavy traffic at Village Dr. navigate more safely and efficiently.

MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, were used to deliver those commitments and have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry.

These forward-thinking, innovative concepts are reflected in the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related guidance by combining the former Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance manuals.

MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software delivering the EPG. Over 30 million hits on the EPG endorse this format to be easy to navigate and pleasing to read. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist with helpful hints on how to use the EPG as well as other points of interest.

Lehman Construction, LLC crews will be pouring Rte. 79’s Big Calumet Creek Bridge deck in Pike County. After receiving a new deck, approach pavements and a barrier wall will be added. The bridge is planned to reopen by December 1st.
Perhaps you've wondered how many hits the most popular EPG articles have. As of late November, the numbers of hits are:
20. EPG 903.6, 122486 10. EPG 616, 172972
19. EPG 134, 126370 9. EPG 600, 207468
18. EPG 751.40, 132174 8. EPG 616.23, 224413
17. EPG 751.50, 133070 7. EPG 101, 249690
16. EPG 136.4, 137662 6. EPG 100, 255489
15. EPG 751.5, 143472 5. EPG 700, 263628
14. EPG 620.2, 144971 4. EPG 136.12, 282948
13. EPG 903, 154687 3. EPG 900, 285551
12. EPG 136.9, 155937 2. EPG 751, 336870
11. EPG 200, 162354 1. EPG Main Page, 2179178

EPG 941.5 Request by a City to Construct a “WELCOME TO” Monument

11/25/15: The review and approval process was improved by revising when the categorical exclusion request will occur during the city "Welcome To" sign process.

When the Commission holds less than fee simple interest in property

11/25/15: Guidance was clarified for when full disclosure language is needed in quitclaim deeds.

NU Girder Reinforcement

11/24/15: Revised tables and images in EPG 751.5.4.1 Precast P/S Concrete Girders and Beams and EPG 751.22.3.6 Girder Reinforcement to accommodate possible savings using a new NU reinforcement design.

EPG 616.6.2.2 Flags, Advance Warning Rail System and Warning Lights on Signs

11/24/15: The proper use of flags and warning lights on signs in a work zone has been clarified. For projects consisting of nighttime only work, the use of flags is prohibited. Flashing warning lights shall only be used on signs that are post-mounted. The use of flashing warning lights on signs with portable stands is prohibited.

Band Angles

11/24/15: Approved industry-standard band angles allow industry to use an engineered angle when it is financially beneficial.

Route Surveying of Stream Crossings

11/18/15: EPG Valley Sections was updated to more closely reflect guidance in HEC-RAS user manual. Guidance for valley sections at stream junctions was also added. In EPG Multiple Structures, guidance on Major Streams was replaced with guidance for Multiple Structures (in the same floodplain).

How EPG Guidance is Revised

11/19/15: Proposed revisions to engineering policy are now submitted using the Engineering Policy Revision Request Form. The proposals will be categorized by the Innovation Engineer based on several guidelines.

EPG 1032 Precast Concrete Flared End Sections

11/17/15: Guidance has been updated to allow a concrete pipe manufacturer to use steel fibers in concrete flared end sections instead of standard reinforcing steel.

MoDOT MOU Execution Process

11/6/15: DBE Goals will now be set by project managers or contract administrators on on-call contracts. This replaces the statewide programmatic goal of 13.5% and provides a level playing field for all on-call consultants in the utilization of DBEs.

EPG 236.17 Junkyards

11/4/15: This article has been generally clarified.

EPG 127.25 Maintenance Environmental Policies

10/28/15: Many links were updated along with numerous clarifications.

Alternative Location Proposals

10/27/15: In EPG Alternative Location Proposals, EPG 235.3.4 Right of way as well as the Letter Advertising a Public Hearing, guidance for alternative location proposals has been clarified to reflect current statewide practices.

EPG Lead Mining Chat and EPG 127.22 Off-Site Borrow, Spoil, and Staging Areas

10/23/15: New EPA regulation, applying to 4 counties in SW Missouri, facilitates environmental cleanup.

EPG Recording the Location Survey Plan

10/22/15: The process to complete location survey plan was revised. A reminder mechanism was created to help avoid delays to recording the location survey plans.

EPG Types of Realty Acquired and Clauses to be Used in Property Descriptions

10/16/15: Guidance for permanent utility easement clauses has been changed to allow the conveyance of utility easements to the utility prior to completion of the project.

Travel Safe Zones

10/15/15: In EPG 907.3.3 Procedure, the Travel Safe Zone procedure was clarified.


10/15/15: In EPG Field Testing, guidance for the preparation of field test mixture samples was brought into conformance with AASHTO T287.

EPG 760.4.2 Notification Requirements

10/14/15: Guidance now reflects that information now collected is only what is currently needed by Motor Carriers and Bridge Divisions and clarifies when the info should be submitted. Also, the Bridge Clearance Report form was updated.

EPG 821.25 Products

10/14/15: Milestone and Perspective information has been revised as a part of the national attention on Monarch butterflies and the general lack of pollinators.

EPG 236.3.3 Right of Way Plan Review

10/13/15: Guidance has been updated to eliminate the need to send a copy of the RW estimate when an A-date is requested. It also eliminates sending a copy of the approved RW plans with the requested A-date.

EPG Expenditure Accounting

9/22/15: The requirements to process payments for temporary or permanent easements was clarified.

EPG Bridge Engineering Assistance Program (BEAP)

9/22/15: Guidance has been updated to conform with new BEAP contract.

Mobilization Cost Estimates

9/18/15: Guidance has been added to EPG 618 Mobilization to help districts with project estimates.

EPG 941.5 Request by a City to Construct a “WELCOME TO” Monument

9/14/15: Guidance has been provided for the revised approval process for the "WELCOME TO" Monument.

Standard Detailing Notes on Bridge Standard Drawings for Prestressed Panels

9/10/15: New references to prestressed truncated end deck panels have been added.