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Revision as of 06:47, 9 June 2015 by Smithk (talk | contribs) (EPG 1036.2.1.1)
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Transp. Proj. Man. Keith Killen works on a TIGER grant application requesting $10 million for a new Mississippi River bridge on Rte. 54 at Louisiana, MO. The bridge is estimated to cost $63.2 million and is not funded at this time. Killen and other MoDOT employees will submit this as an Illinois DOT and MoDOT joint application. So far, only 6% of applications have been awarded. If awarded a grant, the project must be ready for letting by September 2017.
Sr. Maint. Worker Scott Claycomb (left) and Maint. Crew Leader Cody Sanny remove a damaged delineator along an on-ramp on I-49 near Neosho.
Walsh-Alberici Joint Venture employees pour concrete on I-70's New Daniel Boone Bridge. Traffic should be on the new eastbound bridge before summer ends.

MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, were used to deliver those commitments and have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry.

These forward-thinking, innovative concepts are reflected in the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related guidance by combining the former Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance manuals.

MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software delivering the EPG. Over 20 million hits on the EPG endorse this format to be easy to navigate and pleasing to read. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist with helpful hints on how to use the EPG as well as other points of interest.

A temporary bridge over Sinking Cr. in Shannon County is now open to traffic. The Rte. 19 bridge over Sinking Cr. had been reduced to one lane with a weight restriction of 20 tons. "The temporary structure will allow heavy truck traffic to avoid lengthy detours," said Asst. Distr. Engineer Chris Rutledge. "Until funding for construction of a new bridge becomes available, the bypass will remain in place. That could take years."
Perhaps you've wondered how many hits the most popular EPG articles have. As of early June, the numbers of hits are:
20. EPG 751.50, 115330 10. EPG 616, 163246
19. EPG 903.6, 116538 9. EPG 600, 197733
18. EPG 134, 119791 8. EPG 616.23, 209305
17. EPG 751.40, 120547 7. EPG 101, 222921
16. EPG 136.4, 125517 6. EPG 136.12, 237231
15. EPG 751.5, 130227 5. EPG 100, 242671
14. EPG 136.9, 133036 4. EPG 700, 252420
13. EPG 620.2, 133113 3. EPG 900, 273235
12. EPG 903, 147547 2. EPG 751, 316711
11. EPG 200, 154210 1. EPG Main Page, 1985121

Mechanical Bar Splice Samples

6/9/15: In EPG 1036.2.1.1 Reinforcing Steel, Dowel Bars, Mechanical Bar Splices and Cold Drawn Wire, new guidance for sampling mechanical bar splices was added so that the guidance now matches current practice.

EPG Digital Upgrade Request

5/29/15: In the digital sign upgrade process, upon receiving a written upgrade request from the permit owner, the trait “COS DIGITAL REQUEST” should now be updated to “YES” and the written upgrade request attached in TMS.

Pre-Acceptance Lists and Summary of Materials Inspected

5/28/15: PAL guidance in EPG District Responsibility was clarified to allow districts to review PAL facilities on a quarterly basis. In EPG Summary Packet of Materials Inspected, guidance was clarified to make the Summary of Concrete Component Testing portion of the summary report optional.

EPG 108.1 Subletting of Contract

5/27/15: Guidance for the contract subletting was clarified and the approval process was streamlined. Guidance on how to handle second tier subcontracting was added. The requirement for subcontract requests to be digitally signed and submitted electronically will be phased in.

Updated QRGs

5/15/15: In EPG 101 Standard Forms, Change Order Codes and Change Orders – Value Engineering were updated.

Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Determination Form

5/15/15: In EPG 146 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), the latest version of the CUF Determination Form has been provided.


5/14/15: How to Use Cognos Reports is now available in EPG 101 Standard Forms.

Non-Profit and Governmental Indirect Cost Rate Requirements

5/14/15: Guidance has been added to EPG 134.1.3 Consultant Qualification to accommodate 2CFR 200’s requirements for both non-profit and governmental organizations.

Updating Box Culverts to LRFD Design

5/13/15: In EPG 750.2.11, added guidance that flow line elevations may be below natural stream bottom. In EPG 750.7.4.1 and EPG 751.8.1, updated Reference Guide SBC. In EPG 751.8.3.2 and EPG 751.8.3.3: clarified that the E1 bar mark is used in the toe walls both up- and downstream, clarified that J6 bars are used in flared wings in lieu of J1 bars, and added bending diagrams for R1 and R2 bars. In EPG 751.50, revised Notes A1.2 and A2.10.

EPG 643 Utility Procedures

5/12/15: Three of the EPG 643 articles were generally updated. EPG 643.1 Utilities - Status and Liability Acceptance also updated info on "no utility impact" projects and removed detail of liability acceptance. In EPG 643.2 Local Utility Adjustments - Public and Private, guidance for Change Orders was updated. EPG 643.3 Policy, Standards and Regulations was organized to better reflect the CSR. Online permitting info was added and some of the bridge attachment info. was updated.

Change Order Codes

5/12/15: This QRG was clarified in both EPG 101 Standard Forms and EPG 109 Measurement and Payment to to better describe the reasons code should be used in any situation.

MoDOT Work Zone Impact Analysis Spreadsheet with HCM 2010 Program

5/11/15: This spreadsheet has been updated in EPG 616.13 Work Zone Capacity, Queue and Travel Delay.

EPG 907.7 Highway Safety Manual

4/23/15: This new article reflects current policy regarding the Highway Safety Manual.

ADA Checklist

4/22/15: The latest version of the ADA Checklist is now available at EPG 642.1 Sidewalk Design Criteria.

EPG 146.3.1 DBE Subcontract – Performing Work Onsite

4/20/15: New guidance is available for materials supplier DBEs who are not performing any labor on the project. Instructions have been provided for completing and saving CUF verification forms strictly related to materials suppliers.

EPG 150 Quality Management

4/15/15: Archaic guidance was deleted to conform with changes made to the July 2014 Quality Management JSP.  Also, MoDOT now provides a Corrective Action Request form for contractors to use.

EPG 750.7.3 Environmental Requirements

4/9/16: Along with new verbiage for clarification, a table, Summary of COE Regional Condition Requirements, has been added.

EPG 821 Herbicides and Roadsides

4/9/15: In EPG 821.11 Calibration, new guidance for Backpack Sprayer Calibrations has been added. Also, MoDOT herbicides for 2015 are listed in EPG 821.25 Products.

Outdoor Advertising

4/8/15: In EPG Adding Controlled Routes, routes reclassified as NHS should now be inventoried within 90 days of notification.

R315 Scrub Seals

4/8/15: In EPG 170 Maintenance Activity Planning Guidelines, guidance for scrub seals has been added to R315 Pavement Preventative Maintenance (LM).

EPG 751.1.2.19 Soundings (Borings)

4/1/15: Guidance was updated to current practice and info from other articles was consolidated here. The M-40a, M-40b and the Request for Soil Properties forms were replaced with one form: Request for Final Soundings of Structures Form. A new document for using this new form provides guidance for obtaining Northings and Eastings, guidance for identifying classifications of routes and bridges and includes example sounding layouts.

Consultant Contract Administration Supplemental Agreements

3/31/15: EPG 134.5.2 Supplemental Agreements was clarified to reflect that Supplemental Agreements are signed by the Division Director or delegated staff. Thus it is unnecessary to process these through the Professional Services Committee. 

EPG 751.5.1.4 Contract Addendums and Construction Changes

3/27/15: Guidance about dates and plans changes for addendums was clarified.

Payroll Logs

3/27/15: This revision eliminated the unnecessary numbering of payrolls received from contractors. MoDOT now identifies payrolls by date range.

Required Field Test Tables

3/26/15: The Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP) gives sampling requirements and Excel to Oracle sheets for reporting material. Thus the now-outdated Required Field Test tables were removed from EPG 1002.1 Procedure, EPG 1003.1 Procedure, EPG 1004.1 Procedure, EPG 1005.1 Procedure, EPG 1006.1 Procedure, EPG 1007.1 Procedure and EPG 1009.1 Procedure.