171.12 Maintenance Policy History

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This article documents previous policies. Any time a policy is changed, after the set of policies goes into effect, the original policy section needs to be copied to this page, and then the range of its effective dates noted. The inline policy section can then be edited so the entire article is always the up-to-date.

Past Details/Actions

Copied the printed and mailed version to wwwi and connected it to the MT Web pages, April 21, 1999.

Printed out versions of these web pages were put in binders and mailed to management, all districts, and all divisions with a letter from Jim Jackson dated April 21, 1999.

Disconnected non-working links to "Traffic Control for Field Operations" from the Traffic.htm file. Also, reset links on the Business Loop page. Apparently an old version of the page, without links to the policy manual, was used to replace a newer version of the page. Links from the Tourist Info page continued to work. 12-23-1999.

History of Previous Versions of Policies

SIC(D4) Working Hours

If an employee is called out at or before 11:30 p.m., in which case 11:30 p.m. is the start of the employees work day, they may be sent home at 7:30 a.m., at the supervisor's discretion. It is the not the employees choice to work to 4:00 p.m. Employees called in for emergency work after 11:30 p.m. but prior to 7:30 p.m. must be allowed to work until 4:00 p.m., at the employees option. If the employee elects to leave after completing their normal number of hours of work they may do so, provided a continuation of their service is not required.

Reason for policy:

  • Work guidelines established by MoDOT for all employees

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 12/16/01

RDS (B4) Incarcerated Personnel

Incarcerated personnel are used to improve the roadside environment by undertaking work that is above and beyond normal highway beautification efforts. The intent is to accomplish labor intensive projects not normally accomplished by routine maintenance crews or construction contracts.

A General Agreement exists between the MHTD Commission and the Department of Corrections and Human Resources, Division of Adult Institutions. Individual Agreements are developed with various Correction Centers that have inmates qualifying for work release.

Certain restrictions have been established on the type of work assigned to inmates. The intent of these restrictions is twofold; first, to insure the integrity of the work release program and second, to guarantee there is a clear distinction between work performed by maintenance workers and projects assigned to incarcerated crews.

Typical work projects include: plant installation and maintenance, herbicide applications using hand held equipment, brush cutting, clearing chain link fences in urban areas, use of weed eaters and lawn mowers, drying and bagging of sand and aggregate for bridge work and slope protection through hand placement of rocks on slopes at bridge ends.

All MoDOT employees supervising inmate crews must complete the inmate supervisor training provided by the correction center.

Reason for the policy:

  • Provide better roadside appearance at reasonable cost
  • Commission Meeting May 1991 - Approved using additional inmates from other institutions as needed
  • District Engineer's Letter, July 13, 1990 - Set guidelines for the use of inmates
  • Commission Meeting June 1988 - Approved the use of inmates
  • Commission Meeting June 1987 - Approved the use of incarcerated personnel at the Highway Gardens.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 3/1/02


The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices , as published by the Federal Highway Administration, has been adopted by the Commission as policy for all work, including non-MoDOT personnel, within MoDOT right of way. See - Traffic Control for Field Operations

Reason for policy:

  • Establish uniform traffic control guidelines around maintenance operationsSafety of MoDOT employees and traveling public

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

TRC(A2) Adopt Traffic Control for Field Operations

A handbook, Traffic Control for Field Operations, has been developed from the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. This handbook sets forth principles and prescribes standards to be followed in the application, installation and maintenance of all types of traffic control devices required for maintenance operations.

Reason for policy:

  • Protection of workers and public
  • Reduce inconvenience to traveling public
  • Minimize economic losses
  • Maintain public good will

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

TRC(A3) Sign Standards

All maintenance signs used for traffic control shall conform with Missouri Quality Standards for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices published standards. The standard types of signs used in maintenance operations are regulatory and guide signs. All maintenance signs that convey their message during the hours of darkness shall be reflectorized or illuminated.The physical appearance of WZ TCD's shall be as pictorially shown in the Missouri Quality Standards for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices. Traffic control devices shall be set up prior to the start of a maintenance operation and shall be properly maintained during the time such special conditions exist. They shall remain in place only as long as they are needed and shall be immediately removed thereafter. When operations are performed in stages, there shall be in place only those devices that apply to the condition present during the stage in progress.

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure uniformity of signs and devices
  • To ensure signs and devices are uniformly displayed state wide

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

TRC(A4) Traffic Control Devices

Field crews involved with work zones shall be guided by the current Traffic Control for Field Operations booklet.

Reason for policy:

  • To comply with MUTCD
  • To minimize risk of injury to employees and motorists
  • To minimize MoDOT liability exposure

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(A1) Anti-icing

Anti-icing is the snow and ice control practice of preventing the formation or development of snow or ice bonded to pavement. Anti-icing forms the basis of MoDOT's snow and ice control program. De-icing will be practiced if and when weather conditions render anti-icing activities ineffective.

Reason for policy:

  • National research shows anti-icing to be the most cost effective snow and ice control program.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(A2) Operational Closure

In the event a storm reaches a level of intensity such that the continuation of operations would prove ineffective or would pose an undue safety risk for MoDOT personnel and/or the traveling public, snow and ice control activities shall be shut down until weather conditions have improved. The District Engineer or designee is responsible for making a closure decision. The Support Center or a Division representative is to be notified.

Reason for policy:

  • Reserve department resources for when they can be used more effectively.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(A3) Intent

Snow and ice control operations should begin as soon as weather conditions warrant and continue on a twenty-four hour basis until all interstate and primary pavements are open to traffic and supplementary routes are at least open to one-way traffic.See - SIC(E1)

Reason for policy:

  • Meet customer needs and set statewide standards.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B1) Liquid Chemical

Brine, for both pre-treatment and pre-wetting, is to be made using rock salt (sodium chloride).

Reason for policy:

  • Sodium chloride is as effective as calcium chloride andis less expensive.

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B2) Storage

Chemicals and stockpiles of treated abrasives are to be stored in a manner to prevent loss of material and prevent damage to State or private property. All bulk salt shall be stored in roofed buildings. Asphalt pads are to be constructed under and in front of all storage facilities. Mixed materials shall be covered when not in use. See - ENV(H8)

Reason for policy:

  • Prevent loss of material and damage to private property
  • Most salt runoff damage comes from mixed piles

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B3) Dry Salt Supply

All salt shall be ordered far enough in advance to insure that by November 1st , each maintenance lot is storing salt at full capacity.

Reason for policy:

  • Assure storage is at capacity at the start of winter season
  • Reduce re-supply problem
  • Maintain MoDOT supplier relations

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B4) Salt Re-orders

Districts shall re-order salt as needed under terms of the current contract. If suppliers are no longer able to meet statewide orders, the Support Center will coordinate orders to insure each district's critical needs are met. See - SIC(B7)

Reason for policy:

  • To insure districts critical needs for salt are met

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B5) Large Storage Facilities

Storage facilities over 2000 ton capacity shall act as centralized locations for salt, to re-supply buildings in multi-county areas which may include buildings in other districts.

Reason for policy:

  • Centralize reserve salt storage
  • Minimize weather effects on stored salt
  • Increase salt storage capacity
  • Lower the cost for salt storage

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B6) Abrasives

The maximum aggregate size for abrasives shall not exceed 3/8 inch. Lead mining chat (within established limits) may be used for general maintenance purposes. See - ENV(H2)

Reason for policy:

  • Experience has shown that an aggregate size larger than 3/8 inch is ineffective and contributes to broken windshields
  • Mining tailings may contain environmentally unsafe materials

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B7) Liquidated Damages

Approval must be received from the support center before liquidated damages can be waived. See - SIC(B4)

Reason for policy:

  • All suppliers must be treated the same
  • Contracts are legal documents to be fulfilled by bothparties
  • Unfair treatment can result in loss of qualified bidders

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(B8) Pre-wetting

Salt and mixed materials shall be pre-wetted with brine.

Reason for policy:

  • Pre-wetting will allow these materials to act on the snow pack or ice more quickly and in the case of abrasives, will enable them to imbed in the snow or ice pack
  • Reduces the bounce and scatter of materials

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(D1) Personnel from other Divisions

Districts may use any safety sensitive personnel designated by the District Engineer in emergency situations and as indicated by the particular emergency. A commercial drivers license (CDL) is required for snow and ice control work.

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure MoDOT has sufficient trained personnel to work on snow and ice removal

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(A1) Anti-icing

Anti-icing is the snow and ice control practice of preventing snow or ice from bonding to the pavement. Anti-icing forms the basis of MoDOT's snow and ice control program. De-icing will be practiced if and when weather conditions render anti-icing activities ineffective.

Reason for policy:

  • National research shows anti-icing to be the most cost effective snow and ice control program.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(A2) Operational Closure

In the event a storm reaches a level of intensity such that the continuation of operations would prove ineffective or would pose an undue safety risk for MoDOT personnel and/or the traveling public, snow and ice control activities should be shut down until weather conditions have improved. The District Engineer or designee is responsible for making a closure decision. The State Maintenance Engineer is to be notified of any such closure decision.

Reason for policy:

  • Reserve department resources for when they can be used more effectively.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03, 10/14/05

SIC(A3) Intent

Snow and ice control operations should begin as soon as weather conditions warrant and continue on a twenty-four hour per day basis until all major highways and, at the district engineer’s discretion, high volume minor highways are returned to a wet or dry condition and all remaining minor highways are open to two-way traffic. See - SIC(E1)

Reason for policy:

  • Meet customer needs and set statewide performance standards.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03. 10/14/05, 12/01/06, 8/16/07


Communication is critical to enhancing situational awareness during winter weather events. Communication between maintenance buildings, maintenance areas, districts and the central office is necessary to understand where the greatest needs are for resources during any particular event, but more so during major winter storms that affect a good portion of the state. Each district should have a communication plan in place to disseminate information between the buildings, areas and district office.

The following guidelines should be used to facilitate communication between districts and between districts and the central office before and during winter events.

As storms begin in a district, that district should contact the neighboring district in the direction that the storm is moving to inform them of the timing and intensity of the storm. Contact with neighboring districts after normal working hours, prior to the other district activating their Emergency Operations Center (EOC), can be made using the snowstorm contacts and phone numbers, which can be found on the Emergency Contact List in the Incident Response Plan. During a storm, contact can be made using the other district’s EOC phone number, or by contacting the neighboring maintenance personnel directly. Each Maintenance manager (from maintenance supervisor on up) should have a list of cell phone numbers and radio call numbers for all surrounding Maintenance managers, including those in neighboring districts, to coordinate continuity of route treatments between areas and districts. Each Maintenance manager whose area borders other states should have a contact list for their counterparts in those bordering states to share storm information and, if possible, coordinate continuity of route treatments. Each district shall call the central office EOC phone number to announce activation and deactivation of the district EOC, and to notify the central office EOC of any incidents with statewide significance. Central office EOC will send updates to appropriate email distribution list(s) with district EOC activation/deactivation information, as well as any major incident information. Conference calls will be scheduled for all districts and the central office EOC at times designated by the Director of System Management, State Maintenance Engineer and/or State Traffic Engineer.

Reason for policy:

  • To enhance situational awareness during winter storms and to facilitate movement of resources when necessary.

Effective Date: 3/26/08

Revision Dates:

SIC(B1) Liquid Chemicals

Brine, for both pre-treatment and pre-wetting, is to be made using rock salt (sodium chloride). Liquid Calcium Chloride may be used in extremely cold temperatures when brine is less effective.

Reason for policy:

  • Sodium chloride is as effective as calcium chloride at temperatures above 20° F and is less expensive.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(B3) Salt Prefill

All salt shall be ordered far enough in advance to ensure that by November 1st, each maintenance lot is storing salt at full capacity.

Reason for policy:

  • Assure storage is at capacity at the start of winter season
  • Reduce re-supply problem
  • Maintain MoDOT supplier relations

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(B4) Salt Replenishment

Districts shall re-order salt as needed under terms of the current contract. If suppliers are no longer able to meet statewide orders, the State Maintenance Engineer will coordinate orders to ensure each district's critical needs are met.See - SIC(B7)

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure districts critical needs for salt are met

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(B5) Large Storage Facilities

Storage facilities of 2000 ton or greater capacity shall act as centralized locations for salt, to re-supply buildings in multi-county areas which may include buildings in other districts.

Reason for policy:

  • Centralize reserve salt storage
  • Minimize weather effects on stored salt
  • Increase salt storage capacityLower the cost for salt storage

SIC(B7) Liquidated Damages

Approval must be received from the State Maintenance Engineer before liquidated damages can be waived. See - SIC(B4)

Reason for policy:

  • All suppliers must be treated the same
  • Contracts are legal documents to be fulfilled by bothparties
  • Unfair treatment can result in loss of qualified bidders

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(B8) Pre-wetting

Salt and mixed materials shall be pre-wetted with an approved liquid chemical.

Reason for policy:

  • Pre-wetting will allow these materials to act on the snow pack or ice more quickly and in the case of abrasives, will enable them to imbed in the snow or ice pack
  • Reduces the bounce and scatter of materials

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(C1) Slow Moving Vehicle Sign

All vehicles that are designed to move slowly (less than 25 mph) shall be equipped with a slow moving vehicle emblem if expected to operate upon roadways day or night. These vehicles include owned, rented or leased tractors, motorgraders, loaders, backhoes and any other equipment, which may operate on the roadways. Slow moving emblems should not be installed on salt spreaders, dump trucks and other licensed vehicles, which normally operate at traffic speeds. These vehicles should use warning lights, arrow boards or other warning devices when operating at slow speeds.

Reason for policy:

  • RSMo 307.127 (Link to State Laws) Vehicle Equipment Regulations
  • Motorist and Employee Safety

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/14/05

SIC(C2) Plow Width Delineator

Each end of front snowplows should be delineated with a vertical rod, cable or other type of similar material. The delineator may include a red flag, red reflector to the rear with white reflector to the front, amber reflectors, fluorescent orange tubing, red conspicuity tape or other similar systems to mark the plow ends for operator and public recognition. Only red sections of conspicuity tape may be used on the backside of snowplows for additional identification.

Reason for policy:

  • Safety of traveling publicSafe operation by MoDOT employee
  • Delineation of the over width plow

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/14/05

SIC(C3) Equipment Warning Lights

Amber warning lights shall be installed on maintenance motorized equipment to warn the public and to enhance safety of MoDOT workers. Warning lights may be of various types, which include flashing, revolving, strobe, light emitting diode or other systems which function to warn traffic. In general, all vehicle warning light systems should be able to be seen 360 degrees or provide indication to adequately warn approaching traffic. Warning lights shall be visible at a distance of 500 feet or more. Use of warning light systems shall be in accordance with Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 304 Traffic Regulations.

Reason for policy:

  • Compliance with state statutes.
  • Safety of MoDOT employees and the traveling public.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/14/05

SIC(C4) Maintaining Equipment

All snow and ice removal equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and greased/lubricated following each snowstorm and readied for the next storm when temperature conditions allow. At the end of each winter season, all snow and ice removal equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned; inspected for repairs; repaired as necessary; marked for replacement as necessary; with preventive maintenance performed on the equipment to prevent rusting and then the equipment shall be properly stored.

Reason for policy:

  • Protect longevity of equipment
  • Ensure proper equipment operation

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/14/05

SIC(C5) Calibration

Equipment used to apply both liquid and dry snow and ice control materials shall be calibrated before the start of the winter season and re-calibrated or verified at regular intervals during the winter season.

Reason for policy:

  • Efficient snow and ice removal at minimum cost

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/14/05

SIC(C6) Rented Equipment Lighting

Rented equipment shall have substantially the same as or better lighting than MoDOT equipment, unless protected by another vehicle with the proper warning light system.

Reason for policy:

  • Safety of MoDOT employees and traveling public

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/14/05

SIC(D1) Personnel from other Functional Units

Districts may use any safety sensitive personnel designated by the District Engineer in emergency situations and as indicated by the particular emergency. A commercial drivers license (CDL) is required for snow and ice control work.

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure MoDOT has sufficient trained personnel to work on snow and ice removal

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(D2) Snow & Ice Operations Training

Department personnel and emergency employees shall be trained before being allowed to work on their own. The following shall constitute the minimum amount of training. The training shall be conducted in two parts. The first part shall be held before bad weather is anticipated and consists of a review of our snow and ice removal policy and procedures and training on the operation of our snow and ice removal equipment. For the less experienced employees and emergency employees, the second part of the training is to be conducted during the first winter storm and should be at least 8 hours in length. During the first 4 hours, the trainee shall ride with an experienced employee observing proper operating techniques. During the second 4 hours of the shift, the trainee shall operate the equipment with the experienced operator riding along as the observer. Equipment training shall include but not be limited to truck, plow, spreader and loader. All necessary employment forms must be completed

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure personnel are ready for snow and ice control work

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(D3) Emergency Equipment Operators

The department has authorized the use of emergency help during snow and ice storms. The decision to use emergency help is at the discretion of the District. Hiring of emergency snow removal help and drug and alcohol testing shall be in accordance with the Personnel Policy Manual. A CDL is required for snow and ice control work.

Reason for policy:

  • To augment existing staff.
  • Efficient removal of ice and snow

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(D4) Working Hours

Refer to Personnel Policy Manual, Policy Number 3000, Working Hours and Overtime.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 12/16/01; 6/17/03

SIC(D5) Shifts

Refer to Personnel Policy Manual, Policy Number 3000, Working Hours and Overtime.

Reason for policy:

  • Shifts are used to establish set work times for employees, to determine overtime situations as well as to establish reimbursement for meals

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(D6) On Call

Being on call shall require each individual employee to notify his or her supervisor of a phone number where the employee can be reached.

Reason for policy:

  • 29 CFR 785.17 (Link to Code of Federal Regulations) Hours Worked
  • District Engineer's Letter October 7, 1991) - Seasonal Reminders
  • Ensure availability of personnel

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(D7) Reimbursement for Meals

Refer to Financial Policy & Procedure Manual, Policy Number 04.02.01, Expense Reports.

Reason for policy: Establish uniform procedures for meal reimbursement

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/14/05

SIC(E1) Priority Route Classifications

Continuous treatment routes are given top priority. Continuous treatment is the application (and re-application as needed) of snow and ice control treatments on the full length of a specified route, throughout the storm until all lanes are restored to a wet or dry condition. A district continuous treatment system shall include all major highways, minor highways with high traffic volumes (at the district engineer’s discretion) and other Urban and Community routes designated by the district (regardless of AADT). Continuity of route treatments as well as coordination with adjoining districts (regardless of AADT) shall be addressed between the districts. Snow and ice control shall follow these guidelines and objectives for determining route priorities. First Priority Routes (Continuous Treatment Routes): All major highways and those designated minor, urban and community routes. This also includes all designated incident bypass routes.The objective is to have all lanes on these routes restored to a wet or dry condition as soon as possible after the end of the storm. To achieve this objective, continuous application of snow and ice control treatments (and re-application as needed), on the full length of these routes, 24 hours per day throughout the storm, will be necessary. Interstates and other higher AADT routes will be plowed and treated first. The use of anti-icing methods is appropriate for first priority routes.Second Priority Routes: All other minor highways not included in the first priority routes.The objective is to have these routes open to two-way traffic and treated with salt and/or abrasives on all hills, curves, intersections and other critical areas as soon as possible after the end of the storm. Twenty-four (24) hour per day coverage is appropriate until the objective has been met. These routes should be prioritized by traffic volume.Paved Shoulders: The objective is to have paved shoulders plowed during, or shortly after, the storm. Do not treat paved shoulders directly with anti-icing or de-icing chemicals. Removing snow and ice from paved shoulders should be in conjunction with plowing of the traveled lanes in each priority classification, especially the high sides of super-elevated curves, if drifting is occurring, if weather predictions are unfavorable, or to reduce ramping situations. It is not necessary to return paved shoulders to a wet or dry condition as soon as possible after the end of the storm. Obtaining bare pavement on paved shoulders should be accomplished during normal working hours. Paved shoulders next to extended or continuous traffic barriers, bridge parapets, impact attenuators, guardrails, curbs, narrow medians and gore areas should be given special consideration where snow accumulates and has the potential to form ramps.Sight distance locations such as at intersections and interchanges should be cleared of any obstructions caused by snow piles or accumulations.Snow and ice removal operations shall remain in effect on a 24-hour per day basis until the above-mentioned objectives are met and sustained for both first and second priorities.Post storm clean up during normal working hours includes continued plowing and treating of second priority routes, bridge flushing and sweeping, equipment cleaning and maintenance, and salt storage housekeeping.See - SIC(A3)

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure the routes with the most traffic are cleared first.
  • To provide uniform snow removal practices statewide

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03, 10/14/05, 12/01/06, 8/16/07

SIC(E2) Mailboxes

The department shall repair or replace as required, those mailboxes and posts that have been damaged due to snow and ice removal operations. Replacement mailboxes shall comply with Post Office standards. Questionable situations should be referred to risk management.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish a procedure for dealing with these situations
  • To ensure each situation is handled in the same manner
  • To ensure continuous mail service

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(E3) Limits of Work

The department does not assume responsibility for the removal or clearance of snow, ice or sleet, or the opening of windrows of such material, on any sidewalk or entrance along any state highway even though snow, ice or sleet, is deposited or windrowed on these sidewalks or entrances by department personnel. Maintenance and urban agreements with municipalities, in most cases, call only for the plowing of snow from the traveled portions of the street or roadway and there is no obligation to plow parking lanes or to remove the snow deposited from plowing the traveled way.

Reason for policy:

  • MoDOT's responsibility is snow removal from state highways in a timely manner
  • Liability problems with use of equipment on private property

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(E4) Emergencies off Right of Way

In the event of life threatening emergencies, MoDOT will respond to a request from an official or medical entity such as State Highway Patrol, police, sheriff, paramedical, ambulance service, doctor or fire department to open a non-MoDOT system road closed by snow. Other catastrophic events will require authorization by the District Engineer.

Reason for policy:

  • Establish procedures for off system snow removal work in emergency situations

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(E5) Safety Precautions

LIGHTS - Lights and snow plow reflectors shall be checked repeatedly to ensure they are in good condition, operating properly and visible to all traffic. Operators shall clean all lights periodically during storms. STOPPING ON ROADWAYS - Equipment should not be stopped on the roadway surface to engage spreaders, or talk to another operator. Equipment should be pulled off the roadway to a safe spot to perform these tasks. SLOW MOVING EQUIPMENT - Slow moving equipment shall stop occasionally at safe turn out locations to allow traffic to pass. FLAGGERS AND SIGNING - Flaggers and appropriate signing shall be used during post storm operations when shifting snow, cleaning bridge decks, loading snow or any operation which interferes with the normal flow of traffic. BRIDGES - Operators shall avoid pushing snow over bridge railings onto roads or railroads. RAILROAD CROSSINGS Always raise the snow plow or grader blade to adequate clearance before crossing Notify railroad authorities in case crossing cannot be cleared at once Spreaders should be shut off through crossing

Reason for policy:

  • Establish safety procedures for snow and ice removal operations

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03

SIC(E6) Statewide Winter Road Condition Report

A statewide winter road condition report shall be made available to update the traveler information map on MoDOT’s internet web site. Every year between November 1 and March 30, districts shall update the winter road condition report at the beginning of each workday, even if there is not a winter storm. Conditions will be reported as clear, partly covered, covered and closed. During winter weather, even if the storm falls outside of November 1 to March 30, districts shall report changes in road conditions as they occur, or at least every four hours throughout the winter event. Customers will rely on the information they find on the traveler information map, therefore we encourage districts to do updates more often on nights and weekends when roads are icy, snow covered or wet, and freezing may occur. After a storm ends, districts shall continue to report all changes in road conditions a minimum of every four hours until all priority one roads have returned to clear conditions. Districts that are unaffected by a winter storm only need to update information once per workday.

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure report users that the statewide report is correct and up to date, all districts must keep the reporting data current and accurate.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 6/17/03, 8/16/07, 11/15/07

SIC(E7) Abandoned Vehicles

During a snow and/or ice storm situation, MoDOT, with District office approval, may immediately remove any abandoned vehicle, if it is creating a traffic hazard because of its position in relation to the state highway. Preferably the Missouri State Highway Patrol will take the lead roll in these situations.

Reason for policy:

  • RSMo 304.155 (Link to State Laws) Abandoned Motor Vehicles on Public Property
  • RSMo 229.030 (Link to State Laws) Roads Cleared of Obstructions

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

SIC(E8) Winter Event Database

A statewide Winter Event Report Database shall be made available for use by MoDOT Maintenance managers. This database shall be used to report and track information about winter events. Use this database to create a report whenever there are material and/or equipment usage charges related to falling precipitation events such as snow, sleet or freezing rain; or non-precipitation events such as frost, black ice or refreeze of melted snow. This includes routine anti-icing efforts prior to an event or for frost control on bridge decks. No report is necessary if you do not have material and/or equipment usage charges.

Reason for policy:

  • To provide up to date information for Maintenance managers
  • To track material and equipment usage related to snow and ice removal

Effective Date: 10/14/05

Revision Dates:

ADM(A1) Maintenance Divisions Role

The Maintenance Division sets broad policy, shares best practices and provides quality assurance for maintenance of the State Highway System

Reason for policy:

  • To establish division objectives that support district activities

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(A2) Policy Amendments

Changes to existing policies, the addition of a new policy or the deletion of an existing policy must be approved by the Maintenance Policy Committee. Requests for changes in policies must be directed to the Maintenance Division Engineer who after review will pass the proposed change on to the Maintenance Policy Committee for consideration and possible action. The Maintenance Policy Committee will be composed of six members; three from the Maintenance Division and three from Operations field staff.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish a procedure for updating maintenance policies

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(A4) Construction by Maintenance Forces

Occasionally the maintenance division is called upon to perform work normally considered a construction function, such as detour signing for a construction project. This work will be financed with construction funds. Prior approval for use of maintenance forces must be obtained from the division office for construction work. This type of work shall be held to a minimum.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish funding for construction work performed by maintenance

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(A3) Maintenance of Park Roads

Under an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, MoDOT administers a pavement management program for roads and parking areas in the state parks. This program includes the inspection, rating and maintenance of pavements within the parks. It may include the resurfacing of park facilities by a contract if feasible for the department to do so. Materials and procedures used for the maintenance of park facilities shall meet MoDOT specifications and standards for similar work on the State Highway System. The Department of Natural Resources will reimburse MoDOT for all work done in the State Parks by department forces that is not on the State Highway System.

Reason for policy:

  • Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission Agreement, March 13, 1991

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(A5) Safety in Maintenance Operations

The handbooks Traffic Control for Field Operations, Safety Policies - Rules and Regulations and the Herbicide Manual shall be followed to be sure safety guidelines are being adhered to during all maintenance field operations as well as all activities involving maintenance employees on the job.

Reason for policy:

  • To insure all safety guidelines are being followed

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(A6) Private Property Damage

Claims made against the department for maintenance activities shall be made in writing by the injured party and sent to Risk Management. Maintenance forces are not to be used to correct the damage unless authorized or an emergency exists where immediate effort by our workforce is necessary to prevent further damage. The following procedures are to be followed:

The district shall immediately report any claim for damages to Risk Management as outlined in the Risk Management Manual. When the claim is submitted to Risk Management, the district can make a recommendation concerning whether or not the claim should be paid. If possible, photos of the damage should be taken.
After the claim is reported to Risk Management, they will handle the claim through it's conclusion. If additional investigation is required, requests will be made by the investigative staff of Risk Management.
If it is determined by Risk Management that a payment will be made, a release exempting the department from future liability will be taken prior to payment.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish set procedures for handling claims
  • Limit department liability

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(A7) Property Damage Numbers

All accident damage involving state equipment or property shall be reported as soon as possible. Minor damage (under $100) shall not be reported; damage over $100 should be reported. Damages are to be reported on the appropriate "Property Damage Report" form. A property damage number will be assigned, following Accounting Procedures Numbers 351 and 352.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish uniform statewide procedures for property damage
  • Develop a numbering system for tracking property damage incidents

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(B1) Maintenance Responsibilities in Cities

Maintenance obligations for highways in cities are defined by Urban Agreements or Maintenance Agreements. Basically the MHTC agrees to maintain said routes in the same manner and to the same extent that it maintains other state highways of the same classification and type in similar areas of the state. Due to variances in these agreements, each individual agreement must be reviewed to determine the particulars agreed upon at the time of execution. Urban agreements are usually negotiated by the Design Division in conjunction with a construction project. For highways not in the state highway system the standard Contract for Maintenance of City Streets Not in Highway System outlines the department's responsibilities for the thruway surface of the streets. This contract should be reviewed to determine where MoDOT's responsibilities end.See - Delegation of Authority Execution of Documents Policy , MHTC, June 5, 1998

Reason for policy:

  • To establish agreements and/or contracts that clearly outline the responsibilities of the MHTC in maintaining state highways and city streets in cities

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(B2) Contracts for Maintenance on City Streets

In certain situations, it may be necessary for the department to contract for the maintenance of city streets. Three standard contract forms have been developed, each with a specific purpose in mind: Maintenance Agreement for Highways in State Highway System Contract for Maintenance of City Streets Not in Highway System Supplemental Contract for Maintenance of City Streets Not in the Highway System Prior to pursuing a contract, its concept is to be reviewed and approved by the Maintenance Division. See - Delegation of Authority Execution of Documents Policy, MHTC, June 5, 1998

Reason for policy:

  • Good business practices
  • Provide system continuity

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(B3) Resurfacing City Streets Maintained by Contract

City streets maintained by contract cannot be resurfaced using construction funds. Maintenance funds may be available for such contract work and a set of procedures shall be followed for such contract work.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish procedures for using maintenance funds for contract work on city streets

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(C1) Bulletin Boards

The following notices are required to be posted on the crew bulletin board at all times. If the notice becomes illegible, a new copy is to be obtained from the district office and posted.

Notice to Workers' concerning Unemployment Benefits 8 CSR 10-3.070
Workers' Compensation RSMo 287.127 (Link to State Laws), Workers Compensation Law
Discrimination in Employment Missouri Commission on Human Rights
Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law, Federal civil rights statutes and regulations
Your Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act Federal Minimum Wage
Your Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
Notice: Employee Polygraph Protection Act
Job Safety & Health Protection U.S. Secretary of Labor
MoDOT PP 0505 - Equal Employment Opportunity
MoDOT PP 2100 - Grievance Procedure
MoDOT PP 2103 - Formal Termination Hearing Procedure
MoDOT PP 2512 - Workplace Violence

Reason for policy:

  • To establish statewide guidelines for required posting of information
  • To meet federal and state requirements

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(C2) Maintenance Contracts

Documents pertaining to approval and rejection of bids and quotes for contract work accomplished with Maintenance funds shall be within the maximum dollar amounts shown below: NOTE: Maintenance contracts with an estimated cost of $10,000 or more require prevailing wage, except for mowing contracts.

Contract Amount Approval/Executed by
$75,000 or less Chief Engineer, Assistant Chief Engineer-Operations, Maintenance Division Engineer
$25,000 or less All those above, District Engineer, Maintenance Assistant Division Engineer
$10,000 or less All those above, Maintenance staff members designated by the Maintenance Division Engineer

Reason for policy:

  • To establish a statewide procedure
  • Commission Meeting, March 10, 1995 - Approved this purchasing and contract authority

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(C3) Functional Maintenance

The policy for Functional Maintenance will be developed based on the results of a task force currently evaluating maintenance operations. See - Maintenance Quality Assurance Plan (to be developed)

Reason for policy:

  • To provide a consistent level of service through the state

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(C4) Cold Weather Operations

When the ambient temperature is below 10 degrees F or the wind chill index is below 5 degrees F, routine roadway surface maintenance operations, including crack pouring, should be deferred. Emergency maintenance operations, including surface repairs, must still be performed as needed. When the temperature is below 10 degrees F, routine operations should be confined to operations in sheltered areas, such as brush cutting, where exposure is minimized.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish winter temperatures at which routine outdoor maintenance operations should stop and outdoor work that offers some protection should be performed.

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(D3) Advanced Right of Way Purchase

All expenditures for mowing, chemical weed control, right of way clean up of litter, surfacing temporary entrances, etc. on right of way purchased for future highways shall be charged against the applicable right of way project. All work of this nature shall be coded to district right of way, function code 139 (incidental cost), object code as applicable, and to the appropriate right of way project number. Charges can be made to the right of way project until it is closed out. Excess right-of-way is to be treated as normal right of way when coding expenditures.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish accounting procedures for handling advanced right of way purchases.

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(D4) Disaster Preparedness

In the event of a catastrophic disaster, MoDOT shall provide the manpower, equipment and the necessary material to ensure the operational capabilities of a transportation system into and out of the area affected by the disaster. Acting under the State of Missouri Emergency Operations Plan (SEOP), MoDOT has been assigned primary responsibility for the transportation function. See - State of Missouri Emergency Operations Plan

Reason for policy:

  • To prepare MoDOT to be the lead agency for transportation during a catastrophic disaster.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(D5)Tarping Loads

All MoDOT motorized vehicles and towed vehicles carrying material that may reasonably be expected to become dislodged and fall from the vehicle during transport shall have a protective cover over the load.

Reason for policy:

  • RSMo 307.010 (Link to State Laws), Vehicle Equipment Regulations
  • Minimize damage claims
  • Maximize safety of traveling public

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

Weight/Over Dimension Compliance

Maintenance vehicles shall comply with all state laws regarding legal weights, lengths and widths while hauling materials. Permits will be issued to MoDOT vehicles and trailers that require overweight or over-dimension permits.

Reason for policy:

  • To insure all MoDOT vehicles are in compliance with state laws regarding the hauling of materials or equipment.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

ADM(D7) Highway Incident Reporting

See Incident Response Plan, page 58, FHWA Incident Reporting Requirements

Reason for policy:

  • FHWA Requirements
  • FHWA Emergency Alert Bulletin Procedures, July 19, 1996

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 8/14/03

DRN(A1) Polyethylene Pipe Liner

The hydraulic effects of lining failed corrugated metal pipes with polyethylene liner shall be weighed when making the decision whether to use polyethylene liners

Reason for policy:

  • Although polyliners are smoother inside than CMP's most pipes are operating under entrance control, which means smoothness doesn't matter. The pipe capacity at normal heads depends on entrance diameter not smoothness of the interior. Usually, capacity is reduced (backwater increased and outlet velocity is increased). Either effect could cause damage to the road or private property. Re: Heins Case

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(A2) Change in Water Inflow and Outflow

The department is no longer working under the Common Enemy Doctrine but is instead operating under the Reasonable Use Doctrine regarding control of water on right-of-way. When a change in the department's right-of-way drainage system is being considered, an evaluation shall be performed to compare the general hydraulic conditions, including the volume, velocity and direction of flow before and after the proposed change is undertaken. If an increased risk of flooding is anticipated, the properties potentially affected need to be classified as non-developed or developed. A risk assessment of these properties should be made to determine the balance between the capital cost of the change and the risk cost attributed to it. These risk costs include the potential for property loss during the design life of the change. If the balance between these factors is reasonable then the change in drainage may be implemented. Drainage shall not be diverted from one watershed to another without the written permission of all parties concerned.Normally, maintenance will not be changing drainage characteristics when replacing pipes. Installing pipeliners, however, is likely to change flow characteristics including upstream backwater and downstream velocity.See - DRN(A1) and DRN(A3)

Reason for policy:

  • Heins Implement Company Decision - 859 S.W. 2d 681 (Mo. banc 1993). If the department diverts water, we are liable for any damages such as flooding, loss or water, erosion, etc. including damage to aesthetics.

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(A3) Drainage Pipe Replacement

All cross road pipes under concrete and HIGH type asphalt concrete pavements shall be replaced as needed with reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). All cross road pipes under other surfaces (including contract leveling course, maintenance leveling course and aggregate surfaces) shall be replaced with a cost effective acceptable alternative. Pipes with seven or more feet of fill over the flow line will be replaced with RCP. Prior to total replacement, polyethylene pipe lining may be considered for deep fills and high traffic areas. See - DRN(A1) and DRN(A2)

Reason for policy:

  • Pipe Culvert Study, VE 92-3

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(A4) Plastic Pipe

Corrugated polyethylene pipe shall be a double walled, full circular cross section pipe, with an outer corrugated wall and smooth inner liner. Corrugated polyethylene pipe may be used beneath roadways with average daily traffic (ADT) of 1700 vehicles per day or less and with fill heights seven (7) feet or less. It may also be used beneath driveways with fill heights seven feet or less. These criteria may be exceeded if the pipe is to be used as part of a steep flowing grade installation beneath non-traffic areas such as median inlet drains directly into box culverts or the outer portion of a broken back installation.End treatment may be desirable and if so shall be provided by means of either a beveled end treatment safety slope end section or metal or concrete flared end sections.Corrugated polyethylene pipe is particularly effective for locations where high acidity or alkalinity of soils or waters or other corrosive elements are present. Polyethylene or concrete pipe shall be used in these situations in lieu of metal pipes.Corrugated polyethylene pipe shall be installed in accordance with the current version of Missouri Standard Specifications , Sections 730.3 through 730.5 (including subsections).

Reason for policy:

  • Provide a cost effective alternative

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(B1) Levee Attachments

Levees shall not be constructed by others on right of way unless approval has been specifically granted by an MHTD Commission agreement.

Reason for policy:

  • Protect MoDOT from litigation
  • Protect current drainage system

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(B2) Levee Fees and Taxes

Levee districts have obtained authority to assess maintenance fees against MHTC property that receives benefits from the levee districts. Such fees and taxes shall be paid. Drainage districts assessments are not to be paid. State statutes do not mandate payments to drainage districts.

Reason for policy:

  • RSMo 245 (Link to State Laws) Levee District

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(C2) 404 Permits

Activities in streams, whether permanent or intermittent, are regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). Districts shall contact the local COE Office prior to beginning any work in streams. The necessary permits for removal or placement of materials in the stream shall be obtained from the COE prior to conducting the work, unless emergency authorization has been given by the COE to do the work. Technical assistance can be obtained from the Bridge Maintenance section of the Maintenance Division in applying for a COE 404 permit.See - DRN(D2) and ENV(D2)

Reason for policy:

  • The specific regulatory authority for the COE is based on the following laws:
Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 - Section 10
Clean Water Act - Section 404
Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (amended) - Section 103
33 CFR 320 - 330 (Code of Federal Regulations) Water Quality Certification

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(C3) Storm Water Regulation

Any activity which disturbs more than five acres of total land area requires a storm water permit from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This would include construction of new maintenance lots where more than five acres of land is disturbed during the development of the lot. Linear, strip or ribbon construction or maintenance activities such as cleaning or routine maintenance of roadside ditches is exempt from the storm water permit requirements. MoDOT has a "General Land Disturbance Permit" from the MDNR that contains an approved erosion and sediment control plan. Contact an Environmental Compliance Coordinator if you have questions. Most MoDOT operations are covered under this General Permit, however, if the proposed project is within 1,000 ft of a specially designated water body, a site specific storm water permit will be required from MDNR. The MDNR defines storm water as storm water runoff, snow melt runoff, surface runoff and drainage.See - ENV(D1)

Reason for policy:

  • 10 CSR 20.6.200 Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Water Pollution Control Program.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(C5) Easements

In order to maintain proper drainage it may be necessary to work outside established right of way limits. Drainage easements have been established in order for the department to maintain drainage and to protect the integrity of the highway facility. The department does not assume any responsibility for maintenance of the easement or drainage in the easement. Property owners must be contacted when it is necessary to remove fences, waste dirt outside the limits of the easement or when moving equipment over private property. Written consent of the property owner must be obtained. If additional drainage easement is needed, a permanent maintenance drainage easement must be obtained by the Right of Way Division.

Reason for policy:

  • Maintain current drainage system

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(C6) Watershed Diversion

Drainage shall not be diverted from one watershed to another without the written permission of all parties concerned.

Reason for policy:

  • If the department diverts water, we are liable for any damages such as flooding, loss of water, erosion or just about anything, including damage to aesthetics.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(D1) Bicycle Grates

All drainage grates, except those in through lanes of interstate highways, shall have bars that prevent bicycle tires from dropping into the inlet.

Reason for policy:

  • Safety concerns for bicycle riders using Missouri highways
  • Protect MoDOT from possible litigation

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

DRN(D2) Cattle Pass

Fences leading into cattle passes are to be maintained by the land owner. Cattle passes granted by permit are the responsibility of the permittee. Only debris (dirt and drift) washed in by normal drainage shall be removed. See - DRN(C2)

Reason for policy:

  • Detail MoDOT's and land owner's responsibilities for cattle pass maintenance

DRN(D3) Flood Gates

Flood gates (installed by the department) shall be maintained by the department regardless of the reason for the installation. Flood gates installed by others shall be maintained by the installer unless the department has agreed to maintain the flood gate through written agreement.

Reason for policy:

  • To ensure proper operation of the drainage system

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:


The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as published by the Federal Highway Administration, has been adopted by the Commission as policy for all work, including non-MoDOT personnel, within MoDOT right of way.

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates: 7/29/02; 1/8/04

TRC(A2) Maintain Traffic Control for Field Operations Manual

Based on the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, this manual sets forth principles and prescribes standards to be followed in the application, installation and maintenance of all types of traffic control devices required for maintenance operations. See - Traffic Control for Field Operations Manual

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 7/29/02; 1/8/04

TRC(A3) Traffic Control Device Standards

All work zone traffic control devices shall conform with the Quality Standards for Temporary Traffic Control Devices.Traffic control devices shall be set up prior to the start of a maintenance operation and shall be properly maintained during the time such special conditions exist. They shall remain in place only as long as they are needed and shall be immediately removed thereafter. When operations are performed in stages, there shall be in place only those devices that apply to the condition present during the stage in progress.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 7/29/02; 12/30/03

RDS(A1) Commuter Parking Lots

The department constructs commuter parking lots where sufficient usage can be expected and where existing department owned property is of sufficient area to accommodate a lot.Commuter parking lots are usually built with state forces using construction funds.

Reason for policy:

  • To encourage car pooling and reduce traffic volumes at peak driving times

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates

RDS(A2) Roadside Maintenance Activities by Others

There are three methods by which others (non-MoDOT personnel) call perform roadside activities on the right-of-way or on Commission property; by permit, through the Adopt-A-Highway Program and through the Growing Together Program. All of these methods require an agreement between MoDOT and the outside party. Neighbors should be allowed to mow (without regard to height) the right-of-way in front of their property if they feel it will enhance the appearance of their property.See - RDS(E5)

Reason for policy:

  • Safety concerns for the public at large

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(A3) Wetland Mitigation Areas

To ensure compliance with state and federal executive orders requiring no net loss of wetlands, MoDOT is responsible for compensating unavoidable wetland impacts through wetland restoration, creation or enhancement. Signs stating Mitigation Area - Do Not Disturb are used to identify the boundaries of the mitigation area to protect against disturbance.

Reason for policy:

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoDOT/DNR), August 8, 1997 - Outlines the management of our wetland mitigation lands.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(A4) Heritage Database Information (HDI)

HDI is provided to ensure compliance with the memorandum of agreement October 3, 1997 with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). It provides for the exchange of information, training and professional services to avoid and minimize impacts and to ensure the continued integrity of the state's sensitive biological resources (federally-listed threatened or endangered species, state-listed species, significant water resources, state natural areas, etc.). The HDI maps and other information are proprietary data on loan to MoDOT, they shall not be reproduced in any manner without approval from MDC Distributing or otherwise providing HDI is prohibited for reasons other than environmental compliance for MODOT projects Access to HDI is prohibited by anyone external to MoDOT, or its duly authorized representatives. Environmental consultants, contractors, or any other agent working independently or otherwise not directly related to MoDOT's actions shall contact MDC directly for information and review related to sensitive biological resources

Reason for policy:

  • Memorandum of Agreement (MoDOT/DNR), October 3, 1997 - Heritage Database Information

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(A5) Underground Utilities

Utility companies with underground utilities on highway right of way shall be informed when work is planned that will cause a substantial change in grade at the location of the utility. This may involve work such as major slide repair, major slope grading, or drainage channel clean out or realignment. (Although one call should be notified, this action alone does not insure all utilities will be notified).

Reason for policy:

  • To minimize damage to existing utility installations
  • To minimize MoDOT liability

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(B1) Adopt-A-Highway

The department establishes and maintains an ongoing cooperative program that encourages individuals, groups and organizations to become involved in litter pickup, mowing and/or beautification of roadside areas. Agreements between MoDOT and participants will cover a three year period. See - 7 CSR 10-14.010 - 14.050, Adopt-A-Highway Program

Reason for policy:

  • To educate the public regarding the time and expense involved in litter pickup
  • To provide the public opportunities to assist in roadside beautification efforts and be recognized for their efforts

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(B2) Deer Kill Reports

Each road killed deer encountered is to be recorded on the Deer Death Report at the district office. This monthly report is sent to the Support Center and the monthly total reported to the Missouri Department of Conservation.

Reason for policy:

  • Cooperate with local organizations and government groups

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(B4) Incarcerated Personnel

Incarcerated personnel are used to improve the roadside environment by undertaking work that is above and beyond normal highway beautification efforts. The intent is to accomplish labor intensive projects not normally accomplished by routine maintenance crews or construction contracts. A General Agreement exists between the MHTD Commission and the Department of Corrections and Human Resources, Division of Adult Institutions. Individual Agreements are developed with various Correctional Centers that have inmates qualifying for work release.See Manual. Incarcerated Personnel

Reason for policy:

  • Provide better roadside appearance at reasonable cost
  • Commission Meeting May 1991 - Approved using additional inmates from other institutions as needed
  • District Engineer's Letter, July 13, 1990 - Set guidelines for the use of inmates
  • Commission Meeting June 1988 - Approved the use of inmates
  • Commission Meeting June 1987 - Approved the use of incarcerated personnel at the Highway Gardens

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 3/1/02

RDS(C1) Dispensing Free Refreshments

Groups and organizations are permitted to use rest areas and roadside parks to dispense coffee and other nonalcoholic refreshments for the sole purpose of encouraging motorists to take safety breaks during a holiday trip. All activities must be confined within the rest area or park boundary and away from drives and ramps used for the movement of vehicles. Signing for this activity is provided by MoDOT and organization signs are limited to a small identification sign at the table or vehicle used to dispense refreshments.Refreshments offered to the traveling public must be free. Donations and contributions for any cause shall not be permitted

Reason for policy:

  • To establish statewide uniform procedures for this activity
  • District Engineer's Letter - November 11, 1986
  • District Engineer's Letter - September 20, 1994

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(C2) Rest Area Drinking Water

See - ENV(C2)

RDS(C3) Rest Area Sewage Control

See - ENV(C1)

RDS(C4) Roadside Park Requirements

State highway right of way cannot be used for roadside park purposes. Roadside parks are not planned as local parks or overnight camping areas and are not built with toilets, water or electrical supply. All roadside parks must be approved by the Commission. Abandonment of an existing roadside park also requires Commission approval.

Reason for policy:

  • Commission Meeting July 7, 1950 - MoDOT agreed to work with local groups to establish and maintain roadside parks along well-traveled highways

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(C5) Vending

No vending is allowed in rest areas or on state highway right of way except for vending machines installed by agreement or permit. By law, the Department of Social Services, Division of Family Services, Rehabilitation Services for the Blind has been granted authority to govern and regulate vending in rest areas. When such authority is declined, the department shall develop an agreement or issue a permit with another appropriate agency, organization or association to govern and regulate the vending. If the Department of Social Services, Division of Family Services, Rehabilitation Services for the Blind elects to assume the authority granted by law to govern and regulate vending assigned to another agency, organization or association, the existing agreements or permits shall be terminated.The department reserves the right to remove any vending machine from a rest area at vendors cost, if the machine is installed or maintained in violation of established agreements.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish uniform regulations for rest area vending statewide
  • 13 CSR 40 Business Enterprise for the Blind

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(D1) Right of way Encroachments

State law allows the commission to prohibit encroachments on state right of way. Right of way encroachment is defined as the placement and/or maintenance of unauthorized items, or the performance of unauthorized activities, on or extending over onto state right of way. Unauthorized items and activities include but are not limited to:

Items Activities
Signs (political, garage sale, etc.) Vehicle parking in restricted areas
Display materials (streamers, balloons, banners) Vending
Trash containers Excavation
Fences Construction

All encroachments that pose a safety hazard to department personnel or the traveling public shall be addressed immediately. If the encroachment posing a safety hazard is an unauthorized item or activity and can be removed, it shall be removed immediately.

Unauthorized encroachment items removed from the right of way should be stored at the nearest maintenance facility; unclaimed items may be properly disposed of after 30 days.

For permanent encroachments involving construction on the right of way, a written notice shall be sent to the owner by the district engineer. If the encroachment is not removed in a timely manner, a “Notice to Remove Encroachment,” including a deadline for removal shall be sent to the owner by the district engineer. If the encroachment is not removed by the specified deadline, the district engineer shall refer the matter to the Chief Counsel’s Office for legal action. Sample encroachment notice letters and encroachment removal letters are available from the State Maintenance Engineer.

Permanent encroachments where the owner can’t be identified shall be removed as soon as possible.

Encroachments that do not pose an immediate safety hazard to department personnel or the traveling public shall be removed prior to beginning a maintenance activity on the route. However, encroachments may be removed more frequently at the discretion of the Area Engineer. Encroachment removals can be coordinated with litter pickup and other maintenance work such as mowing, edge-rut repairs, crack sealing, etc.

Single-use items generally made of paper and cardboard can be disposed of immediately without notice. Professionally made or reusable items should be stored at the nearest maintenance facility; unclaimed items may be properly disposed of after 30 days.

Any holiday decorations placed on or across the state right of way must have a permit signed by personnel designated by the district engineer.

All actions regarding encroachments should be timely and fair.

Notice of Encroachment RDS(D1)A Removal Notice RDS(D1)B Unauthorized Items off Roadsides Flier

Reason for policy:

  • RSMo 227.220 (Link to State Laws), Road markings & guide boards
  • RSMo 229.030 (Link to State Laws), Roads cleared of obstructions
  • To establish uniform procedures for removal of encroachments.
  • Safety of MoDOT employees and the traveling public.

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 1/12/04

RDS(D2) Monuments

The department permits approved organizations (State Historical Society of Missouri, Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri and the Daughter's of the American Revolution) to place markers at approved locations along highways within the bounds of rest areas, roadside parks or turnouts. These markers are located for the purpose of honoring service men and women who served in a particular war or to designate points of historical interest. Placement of markers and tablets requires Commission approval.Additional information is available from the Roadside Section in the Support Center.

Reason for policy:

  • Commission meeting on December 11, 1928 - Relocation of historic trail markers erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution
  • Commission meeting on October 11, 1950 - Blue Star Memorial Highway Markers in roadside parks
  • Commission meeting on May 5, 1974 - Added Interstate 70 and 44 to the list of Blue Star Memorial Highways and removed routes 40 and 66

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(E1) Crops on Right of Way

Growing crops on right of way is prohibited unless it has been determined there is excess right of way which may be leased for agricultural purposes. Non-approved new farming activity should be repaired by reseeding the area in question. Where a crop has been established and has reached seedling height, we should consider it to have advanced too far for destruction. Appropriate action should be taken to insure a replanting does not take place the next planting season.

Reason for policy:

  • Maintain integrity of the right of way

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(E3) Hay Harvesting on Right of Way

Permits using the "Standard Excavation Permit" form may be issued to persons engaged in farming for harvesting hay on right of way. No fee or hay share is required for this permit. Irresponsible parties may be denied permits in the future or a deposit may be required if they fail to perform satisfactorily. The permit makes the permitted liable for any accidents or claims as a result of their activities. Property owners will be given preference to hay harvest on that section adjacent to their land, if they should so request before a permit has been issued. Permits will not be issued prior to June 1 of each year. Harvesting of hay on any one area is normally allowed every other year. A district may allow haying in consecutive years, if they feel that the stand of grass will not be weakened. An applicant is allowed to seed, fertilize or spray herbicides to improve an area for hay production. Cultivating is not permitted.In all cases, access to any area to be harvested must be from an authorized entrance, from an outer roadway, from adjacent property or from a crossroad. Leaving the main roadway, ramps or emergency crossovers to enter an area is not permitted. No trucks or other equipment are to be parked within 30 feet of the edge of the roadway.

Permit requirements:

Harvesting may begin on the backside of the ditch line or toe of the slope except for restricted areas
Minimum mowing height is four (4) inches
All mowing must be continuous except for restricted areas
Harvesting may be carried out at the most appropriate time for obtaining quality hay, but must be done without damage to the stand of grass or right of way
All bales, broken bales and/or unbaled windrows of hay will be removed from the right of way within a period of ten (10) days after harvest unless weather conditions prevent removal
All work is to be done during daylight hours
Restricted areas
No harvesting within 30 feet of pavement edge
No harvesting on slopes steeper than 4:1
No harvesting in freeway medians(Harvesting in other medians is permitted if they are 80 feet or wider

Reason for policy:

  • District Engineer's Letter April 4, 1987 - Provide guidance in issuing permits for harvesting of hay on right of way

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(E4) Mowing

See Roadside Vegetation Management Manual June 2003.

Reason for policy:

  • To establish uniform mowing operations on a state wide basis
  • Mowing Policy 1987, endorsed by the Commission and written by the Mowing Quality Circle
  • District Engineer's Letter March 27, 1992 - Mowing Policy Revisions
  • District Engineer's Letter July, 1995 - Additional revisions, in response to legislative inquiries concerning agricultural interests

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 7/31/03

RDS(E6) Noxious Weed Control

Canada thistle, Scotch thistle, musk thistle, bull thistle, purple loosestrife, marijuana, Johnsongrass, multiflora rose and field bindweed have been declared noxious weeds in Missouri. MoDOT is thereby required by law to control these plants on right of way. The Johnsongrass law is subject to county option. Regardless of county option, the department shall make an effort to control this plant on right of way. Methods of control are specific to individual plants and the Herbicide Handbook shall be followed in developing control practices

Reason for policy:

  • RSMo 263.050 - 263.474 (Link to State Laws), Insects Pests & Weeds

Effective Date:6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(E7) Plant Collection from Right of Way

No person shall dig or remove any plants or plant parts from any real property of the Commission or the right of way of any state highway or roadway without permission. Special permits covering the collection of plants and plant parts from highway right of way may be issued by the department. Provided that such plants or plant parts are not offered for sale, the collection of seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, edible wild greens or flowering parts of plants, or the occasional collection of plants for the purposes of scientific research or education may be permitted. Under special circumstances, MoDOT can write a permit, to collect and sell plants or plant parts from right of way. Contact the Roadside Section for information.

Reason for policy:

  • RSMo 229.479 (Link to State Laws), Sale of plants, plant parts from highways or roadways penalty
  • To prevent the destruction of plant materials on right of way which help to protect roadside integrity

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

RDS(E8) Roadside Burning

See - ENV(H1)

RDS(E9) Tree Removal

Trees located on Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) property are considered state property. Trees on MHTC property that are dead, diseased, deformed, or storm damaged, have the potential to create a safety hazard to MHTC personnel as well as the traveling public. Efforts should be made to minimize the potential hazard.

Utility companies should be contacted prior to removing trees under or near utility lines, for possible assistance or removal by their crews. Commercial arborists may be obtained on an agreed price basis for removal of large trees especially where there is a possibility of damage to private property.

Tree trunks and tree limbs may be cut up by department personnel and hauled back to the maintenance building for use as firewood at the maintenance building, or stockpiled at the maintenance site, and ultimately sold per General Services policies concerning the disposal of surplus property. A copy of the “Bill of Sale” for the tree trunks and tree limbs sold as surplus property shall be maintained by the department in accordance with the policies pertaining to surplus property disposal.

Tree trunks and tree limbs may be cut into manageable lengths (not less than 2 foot in length and not more than six feet in length) and left on the adjacent property owners property at the right of way line for use by the adjacent property owner provided the adjacent property owner has expressed a desire to use the wood. The adjacent property owner shall obtain access to the wood from their own property. The adjacent property owner shall not utilize MHTC right of way to gain access to the wood.

Root-balls associated with tree removals are not considered to be clean fill according to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Therefore, root-balls shall not be buried. They may be hauled off to a demolition landfill, or they may be ground up using a tub grinder.

Any burning of tree trunks, tree limbs, or root-balls on the right of way shall be done according to the Maintenance Policy ENV(H1) Open Burning.

Tree stumps anywhere on the right of way shall be cut flush or below ground level. Treatment of tree stumps to prevent re-growth shall be in accordance with the department’s “Herbicide Manual.”

Personnel engaged in the removal of dead, diseased, deformed, or storm damaged, trees shall be trained in the safe operation of chainsaws and other tree trimming devices.

Personnel must also be familiar with the applicable safety guidelines as set forth in MoDOT's Safety Policies, Rules & Regulations employee handbook.

Department staff shall be in compliance with Personnel Policy # 2700 – Ethical Conduct when disposing of tree trunks and tree limbs. Also, staff should comply with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concerning protection of Indiana bat tree habitat. Questions regarding Indiana bat trees should be directed to the Environmental Section of the Design Functional Unit.

Trees associated with construction projects shall be managed according to the conditions contained in the contract documents.

Reason for policy:

  • Provides guidance to MoDOT employees regarding removal of trees and disposal of wood associated with the tree removal.

Effective Date: 10/1/03

Revision Dates:

RDS(E10) Clear Zone

The District's Operations Division shall be responsible for maintaining clear zones as established by the Design Division on highway construction projects. The clear zone is defined as the roadside border area, measured from the edge of the pavement, needed for the safe use of errant vehicles. Clear zones are provided on construction projects where the design speed of the roadway is 50 mph (80km/h) or higher. Roadways with less than these minimum speeds, should consider the use of clear zones if economically feasible. Where possible, clear zones should not contain fixed objects. Thirty (30) feet is often suggested as the minimum width of a clear zone. However, downhill grades, roadbed curves, steep fill slopes, speed limits, etc. may require wider clear zones. Construction plans and manuals should be consulted to determine appropriate clear zones widths. Clear zones shall be maintained free of non breakaway obstacles.

See - Policy Procedure and Design Manual, Section 4-09.15

AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, Chapter 3

Reason for policy:

  • Safety of the traveling public
  • To provide an obstacle free recovery area for vehicles that have left the driving pavement

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/1/03

RDS(E11) National Forest Lands

The department shall coordinate with the Forest Service all maintenance activities which involve additional clearing, slash disposal, chemical control of vegetation, disposal of slough material, changes in road drainage patterns, materials source and storage and similar actions which involve highways through National Forest lands. The Forest Service will assist MoDOT with matters related to equipment parking, material storage, material sources, and designated slough and slide material disposal areas as well as advising the department of any activities which may have an impact on highway maintenance.

Reason for policy:

  • Highway right of way through National Forest Lands is owned by the federal government
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Forest Service and MoDOT

Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: 10/1/03


Sidewalks and steps are maintained only where it is a definite obligation of the department. Urban maintenance and construction agreements shall be consulted to determine department obligations. Where such delegation has not been spelled out, adjacent property owners should be required to maintain the walks even though the walks may be on our right of way or on a dedicated street. Where the department is the adjacent property owner, we will maintain the sidewalks. Where sidewalk maintenance is our responsibility, a minimum amount of maintenance is to be performed and it shall be comparable with that done in the surrounding community.

S&A(B2) Public Road approaches

Public road or street approaches other than those in the state system are to be maintained to the normal right-of-way line unless prior or subsequent agreements state otherwise. sight distance right-of-way is to be included within the limits of the normal right-of-way line. Where access control has been purchased by the Department, the approach is to be maintained to the limits of the access control unless otherwise controlled by an agreement.

Relocated local roads are not maintained by the Department outside the normal right-of-way access control limits or limits specifically established by an agreement. The relocated local road outside these limits becomes the responsibility of the local political subdivision and the Department marker on the right-of-way posts is not necessary in the area outside the Department's juirisdiction.

Private Roads and Driveways - Commercial driveways or entrances are maintained from the edge of the pavement to the outside edge of the shoulder or normal shoulder with not exceeding ten feet. This applies regardless of whether the driveway was constructed by the state or by the property owner. Other items, such as curbed island, gutters, culverts, culvert pipes, posts, etc., if constructed by the state shall be maintained by Maintenance; if constructed under permit by the property owner, the property owner will be responsible for their maintenance, except for drainage structures.

Maintenance forces will keep ditches and culvert pipe outlets and inlets open in all cases to provide proper drainage. Mowing within islands or around driveway pipe ends is the responsibility of the property owner.

S&A(B3) Access Control

Definite restrictions on access have been established on limited and controlled access highways or on portions of these highways. Controlled access sections prohibit any access to the main roadway except at interchanges. All interstate highways are controlled access.

The right-of-access on limited access section of state highway right-of-way is as the name implies, limited. Locations of access points on limited access sections may not be changed unless approved by the Right-of-Way Division.

Where access is allowed to service roads or outer roadways, such access must conform to driveway permit regulations. Final plans must be checked to determine where access is allowed as there are some specific restrictions on access on these outer roads.

Any activity or encroachment on these sections shall be reported to the district office.

S&A(C1) Edge Ruts

Edge ruts requiring repair shall receive priority due to the potential traffic hazards. Sections requiring continual maintenance, such as the inside of curves, should be cut down, receive appropriate base material and be paved with bituminous mix.

See MoDOT Incident Response Plan, Section III.C.3, Prioritizing Incident Response, for specifics.

S&A(C2) Culvert Ends

All culverts replaced by maintenance forces shall receive end treatments, if practical, i.e. right of way width will allow and major earth work is not needed.

The type of end treatment required varies; from beveled pipe ends to flared end sections to safety slope end sections.

S&A(C3) Rural Mailboxes

Refer to Article 645 Mailbox Turnouts and supports. Rural mailboxes and their support posts shall be located so as not to interfere with normal maintenance operations. The post office department has established safety requirements, specifications, rules, and recommendations for the erection and maintenance of mailboxes. owners of problem mailboxes that interfere with maintenance operations or are considered an obstruction should be requested to comply with these standards.

The local Postmaster should be contacted before any action is taken by MoDOT.

The department is responsible for the maintenance of mailbox turnouts and these turnouts should be surfaced with suitable material as necessary.

See - SIC(E2) Refer

Bridge Maintenance, A. GENERAL

BRG(A1) Utility Attachments to Bridges

A permit is required for all utility attachments to bridges. Permits to install, revise, or remove utilityattachments shall be reviewed by the district for completeness before they are referred to the Design Division for determination of the necessary requirements and for approval. The district shall report any lack of maintenance of these utilities to the division office.

To insure that MoDOT is aware of all utility attachment to bridges

To insure existing utility attachments are maintained properly

Reason for Policy: To insure that MoDOT is aware of all utility attachment to bridges

To insure existing utility attachments are maintained properly

   Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

BRG(A3) High Water Marks

A record of the elevation of high water marks during floods shall be kept by the districts for future design purposes.

Reason for Policy: To facilitate future construction projects undertaken by MoDOT

Public Safety Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates

BRG(A4) Navigation Lights/Light Tenders

Where possible, all tenders shall be MoDOT maintenance employees who will be compensated with overtime as warranted. Tenders who are to be paid at an agreed price on a commercial invoice are permissible.

An agreement shall be executed, in triplicate, with tenders who are not department employees with distribution as follows: Original - district copy, Copy 1 - tender copy, Copy 2 - division copy. All tenders shall be required to perform the following duties:

  • Make inspections twice per week and after storms
  • Notify the department immediately when bulbs are out or

when lights are not working properly

  • For deficiencies in aerial beacons, the tender is to promptly

notify the nearest Flight Service Station

  • Submit a monthly report to the district office indicating the

location of all lights illuminated at the time of each inspection

Reason for Policy To establish required procedures to insure safety Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

BRG(A6) Cathodic Protection

Bridge decks with cathodic protection shall be maintained as directed in MoDOT manual, Cathodic Protection Manual - Maintenance and Repair.

Reason for Policy: To establish procedures for testing and maintenance of existing cathodic bridge decks Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

BRG(A7) Bridge Repairs Near, On, or Over Railroad Right-of Way

Railroad Crossing Maintenance concerning safety and notification requirements associated with bridge maintenance activities over, or within 25 horizontal feet of the centerline of an active railroad track. Refer to RDW (A3)

Reason for Policy: Safety of department personnel working over or near active railroad tracks.

To establish limits of work at railroad crossings.

To ensure railroad crossings are properly maintained.

To establish good working relationship with various railroads.

Effective Date: 6/1/99 Revision Dates: 6/15/04


BRG(B1) Bridge Inspections (Span Type and Culvert Type)

All span type bridges over 20 feet in length shall be inspected annually and culvert type bridges over 20 feet in length shall be inspected every other year. Approximately one half of the culverts shall be inspected each year, ensuring all culverts are inspected within the required two year interval. District's 4, 6, and 8 have personnel in the districts to conduct these inspections. The remaining districts will be inspected by Bridge Maintenance personnel from the support center. Districts shall supply personnel knowledgeable in maintenance and bridges to assist the division office on these inspections.

Bridge-like structures less than 20 feet 00 inches shall be the responsibility of the district to inspect and maintain. These structures shall be listed on the roadway features inventory. Maintenance charges for these structures shall be charged to the roadway.

Bridges jointly maintained with neighboring states shall be inspected annually by representatives from Missouri (from both the district and division offices) and representatives from the neighboring state.

An inspection shall be made by the district following any unusual occurrence which may affect a bridge such as fire, flood, overloading, collision, or damage of any type. Any damage occurring to a bridge superstructure or substructure shall be reported to the Maintenance Division office immediately. On evenings, weekends and holidays the Assistant Division Engineer - Bridge Maintenance shall be contacted when a bridge emergency occurs.

The guidelines set forth in the MoDOT Bridge Inspection Rating Manual shall be used when assigning rating and appraisal values to the corresponding items for bridges and culverts. The inspections shall address the items on the "Bridge Inspection Reports" form M-702R and "Culverts Inspection Reports", form M-704R. All inspections shall be thorough and complete so that all needed maintenance and repair work may be scheduled. The individual in charge of the inspection shall meet the qualifications spelled out in the National Bridge Inspection Standards.

Fracture critical, in-depth, underwater, and other special inspections shall be identified and noted on the "Bridge Inspection Reports." Division inspection crews shall be responsible for performing these inspections within the specified time interval.

Support Center bridge maintenance personnel will perform quality assurance inspections on an annual basis.

Reason for Policy: To insure all bridges and culverts are inspected on schedule Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates

BRG(B2) Bridge Maintenance (District)

District maintenance forces shall be responsible for the following maintenance items:

Cleaning and flushing of all bridges (a minimum one time each year at the end of the snow season)
  • Sealing cracks in bridge decks
  • Removing and replacing asphalt overlays and/or seals
  • Placing new bridge deck seals and/or asphalt overlays
  • Repairing bridge decks with concrete
  • Sealing deck joints with backer rod and hot pour material
  • Sealing deck spalls with Pavon
  • Cleaning and sealing concrete caps (which are relatively easy to access by the crews)
  • Minor painting of bearings or steel piling
  • Replacing timber planks on abutment backwalls
  • Replacing timber planks or running boards on timber decks
  • Sealing approach joints with hot pour material
  • Repairing or leveling approaches
  • Cutting pavement expansion joints
  • Building or repairing map gutters
  • Repairing slope erosion
  • Placing riprap on slopes, around abutments, or under deck drains
  • Repair or mudjack slope protection
  • Bridge posting and advance warning signs
  • Linseed oil/mineral spirits treatment
  • Painting codit on bridge railings
  • Cutting trees, brush or vines around and under bridges
  • Removing drift, performing channel work, correcting scour around footings
  • Repairing bridge railings and all guard rail approaching bridges
Stenciling bridge numbers on end post, columns, or bridge superstructures

Reason for Policy To detail responsibilities of the district Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

BRG(B3) Bridge Maintenance (Division)

Division maintenance crews shall be responsible for the following bridge items:

Bridge painting
  • Cleaning and sealing caps that cannot be reached by district forces
  • Replacing deteriorated timber pile caps
  • Repair to substructure and superstructure which district forces are not equipped or trained to handle
  • Bolting deck to stringers
  • Resetting bearings
  • Repairing or replacing damaged truss members
  • Repairs to large expansion devices
  • Heat straightening beams
  • Bridge strengthening

Division crews shall not perform painting within the contact paint zones around Kansas City and St. Louis.

Reason for Policy: To detail responsibilities of the division Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:


BRG(C1) Posted Bridge Load Limits

The Bridge Division shall rate each bridge structure and determine the load carrying capacity. Any changes in posted load limits shall be approved by the Bridge Division. In an emergency, district forces may place a temporary posting on a bridge until it may be inspected by appropriate personnel and rated by the Bridge Division. Notify Bridge Division prior to overlaying a bridge to determine if an overlay is possible, and if so, if a revised posting is required. Bridges are posted by the following categories and the required posting is as outlined

S-1 No posting required
S-2 Not used
S-3 Weight limit ____ tons (<40 tons)
S-C3 Weight limit ____ tons (>40 tons) Commercial Zone
S-4 Centerline of bridge
S-5 Centerline of bridge and trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph
S-6 Centerline of bridge and 6 axle trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph
S-7 Trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph
S-8 Trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph, except 6 axle trucks weight limit ____ tons
S-9 6 axle trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph
S-10 6 axle trucks weight limit ____ tons
S-11 Trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph, except maximum weight limit ____ tons
S-12 Centerline of bridge and trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph, except maximum weight limit ____ tons
S-13 Centerline of bridge and truck weight limit ____ tons
S-14 Truck weight limit ____ tons, except single unit triple rear axle trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph
S-15 Weight limit: Single unit ____ tons, others ____ tons
S-16 Trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph, except maximum weight limits: single unit ____ tons, others ____ tons
S-17 Centerline of bridge and trucks over ____ tons, 15 mph, except maximum weight limits: single unit ____ tons, others ____ tons

Reason for Policy Safety of traveling public To protect bridges Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

BRG(C2) Vertical Clearance

The legal height of vehicles traveling on state highways without a permit is 13 feet 6 inches, with these exceptions:
14 feet 00 inches - interstate highways and other designated highways including 10 air miles therefrom
15 feet 00 inches - designated commercial zone areas

The Maintenance Division shall publish a map showing the current designated routes and commercial zone limits. Over dimension permits shall be required for all loads over legal height including department vehicles.

District personnel shall be responsible for measuring vertical clearances on all bridges over state routes, other roadways and railroads This includes measuring clearances on new bridges that are open to traffic and anytime the clearance changes due to a construction or maintenance project. All measurements shall be taken on the roadway surfaces only and not on the shoulders, even though the minimum vertical clearance may be less on the shoulders. Measurement shall be made from the bottom of the lowest obstruction (beam, concrete, light fixture, rivet or bolt head,through truss member, etc.). This clearance shall be measured and rounded down to the nearest whole inch and reported to the division office of Bridge Maintenance.

The division office of Bridge Maintenance shall be responsible for notifying personnel involved in the issuance of over dimension permits of vertical clearance changes. District personnel shall erect signs on bridges when the actual minimum vertical clearance is 15 feet 2 inches or less outside designated commercial zone areas or when the minimum vertical clearance is 16 feet 2 inches or less in designated commercial zones. All signs shall indicate a vertical clearance 2 inches less than the actual clearance.

Reason for Policy Safety of traveling vehicles Safety of structures Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates

BRG(C3) Temporary Clearances or Restrictions

District personnel shall be responsible for measuring and inputting all temporary clearances or restrictions in the road restriction database in Lotus Notes. These temporary clearances or restrictions may involve construction or maintenance projects and should include the county, route, bridge number, width or height restriction, direction, and beginning and ending date for the temporary restriction.

This information is used by permit staff for issuing overdimension/overweight permits and will be placed on the internet for use by the traveling public. It is very important this database be kept up to date on a daily basis.

Reason for Policy: Safety of traveling public Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates:

BRG(C4) Permits (Overdimension/Overweight)

Rules and regulations on the movement of overdimension and/or overweight loads are established by the Commission and Chief Engineer based on State Statute and are on file with the Secretary of State. Permits for this movement may be obtained at the Support Center Maintenance Division, Motor Carrier Services Unit, by phone at 800-877-8499. Permits for overdimension loads and non-commercial building movement shall be issued by district office staff for local customers.

Permits for all other movement may be obtained at the district by allowing walk-in customers to fax the Support Center Motor Carrier Services unit. A permit agent will issue the permit and fax it to the customer at the district office.

District staff should observe the movement of large overdimension and/or extra heavy overweight loads that may cause damage to MoDOT facilities or have a significant impact on traffic movement. The Motor Carrier Services Unit of the Support Center will provide copies of all permits issued to the district(s) involved for loads over 16 feet 6 inches in height, 17 feet 0 inches in width or 240,000 pounds in weight. District staff should determine which loads are most critical for observance, based on the permitted route. If the permitted move is not made according to the provisions of the permit or any MoDOT facilities are damaged, a report shall be made to the Motor Carrier Services Unit in the Support Center.

When permitted loads are moved across more than one district, the original district should notify the next district of problems (if any) encountered with the movement in their area. If the movement was proper and no problems were encountered, it may not be necessary to observe that load in other districts. As part of the quality assurance program, it is recommended that at least 10 percent of the permits issued for larger dimensions and weights (listed above) be observed by district staff.

Reason for Policy RSMo 304.170 - 304.210 (Link to State Laws), Traffic Regulations as to width, height and length of vehicles - exceptions Effective Date: 6/1/99

Revision Dates: