Category:622 Pavement and Bridge Surface Removal and Texturing
622.1 Coldmilling
Cold milling on asphaltic concrete pavements may be considered on certain projects. Cold milling should be considered but not be limited to the following reasons:
- Remove ruts of 3/8 in. or greater.
- Correct cross slope.
- Improve ride.
- Maintain or increase clearances under structures.
- Maintain gutter depth or curb height.
- Salvage quality aggregates for recycling purposes.
- Remove cracked surface course.
- Restore pavement texture.
- Avoid resurfacing of shoulders.
- Avoid adjustment of manholes or drop inlets.
- Improve asphalt lanes adjacent to PCC lanes.
- Permit uniform thickness and density of resurfacing materials.
- Eliminate need for leveling (wedge) course.
- Conserve mineral aggregates and asphalt plus reduce transportation of materials.
- Improve transitions at beginning and end of project and at bridges.
Recycling is preferred and should be considered for all milled material. Options include adding liquid asphalt and relaying on supplementary routes, shoulders and outer roadways. District operations and the core team should be contacted to determine if coldmillings should be contractor or commission retained.
If the district has a use for the material, the district should include in the proposal the special provision titled "Stockpiling Coldmilled materials (Commission Retained)", DSP-93-07. In this special provision, the designer should list the location for stockpiling the milled material and the approximate round trip distance from the project to the stockpile location. If recycled material from the project will be used, the proposal should include the special provision titled "Reclaimed Bituminous Material," JSP-04-02. Federal Interstate Maintenance funds may not be used to lay reclaimed material from the project on an interstate outer road or other route that is not part of the interstate system.
If it is determined that it is not economically feasible for the department to retain the milled material, the contractor is made responsible for the removal and proper disposal of the milled material according to the standard specifications.
Depth of milling should be determined by:
- Average and maximum rut depths.
- Current surface course thickness, obtained through core drilling or data from district or the Construction and Materials Division. The entire surface course should be removed to avoid leaving thin layers of surface course material, which may delaminate or unravel off of the underlying course.
- Required structure clearances.
When snowplowable raised pavement markers (SRPM) are present, they should be noted on the plans for removal by the contractor. See Pavement and Curb Markings - Raised Pavement Markers for more information regarding SRPM removal and replacement.
622.2 Diamond Grinding Existing Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
622.2.1 Construction Inspection for Diamond Grinding of Existing Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (Sec 622.30)
MoDOT and MDNR have agreed on the following precautions to prevent the discharge of the slurry from entering waters of the state.
1. No discharge of water/lime slurry will be allowed to enter "waters of the state".
- a. "Waters of the state", all rivers, streams, lakes and other bodies of surface and subsurface water lying within the boundaries of the state which are not entirely confined and located completely upon lands owned, leased or otherwise controlled by a single person or entity.
- b. The Slurry should not be discharged to drainage ways, unvegetated areas or anywhere storm water runoff is likely to occur.
2. Slurry discharges should be stopped at least 25 ft. from any waters of the state where roadway ditch grades are less than 12% or at least 50 ft. where ditch grades are greater than 12% and less than 25%. A minimum of 12 ft. of healthy vegetation must be present to filter slurry residue.
3. On sites where there is sparse or no vegetation to control the movement of the slurry, alternatives that may be used include:
- a. Pump the slurry into tankers and hauled to an area where it can be spread as a lime supplement. This method will require additional tankers and land close to the project site.
- b. Incorporate the slurry into the soil on the right of way next to the road where it will not impact waters of the state, highway or shoulders.
4. The Resident Engineer must approve any other method of application or use of the slurry. The Design Division - Environmental Section should be contacted for guidance on the use of alternative methods.
5. Precautions must be taken at all times to prevent the slurry from entering the waters of the state. Should improper application occur which may result in a discharge of lime slurry to the waters of the state, the contractor shall immediately remove the slurry and notify the Resident Engineer.
See Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan - Diamond Grinding for more information.