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Revision as of 08:21, 11 October 2012 by Smithk (talk | contribs) (EPG 806.8)
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The Tour de Ted cycle their way from the Colorado Springs, CO area to St. Louis. Edward D. "Ted" Jones and his wife, Pat, have donated over $2 million to establish the Katy Trail and also contributed money to construct this pedestrian bridge over the Missouri River at Jefferson City. This bike tour is a fundraiser to fight cancer.
Firetrucks hoist the American flag to honor the life of Clifton Scott during funeral services, Sept. 29. Hundreds of emergency responders joined in the Kansas City procession that took Scott to his final resting place.

MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, were used to deliver those commitments and have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry.

These forward-thinking, innovative concepts are reflected in the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related guidance by combining the former Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance manuals.

MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software delivering the EPG. Millions of hits on the EPG endorse this format to be easy to navigate and pleasing to read. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist with helpful hints on how to use the EPG as well as other points of interest.

Stripers finish work prior to motorists being directed to the new U.S Rte. 63 southbound lanes just south of Columbia. MoDOT and contractor staff teamed with the MSHP to ensure a smooth transition. The new southbound lanes opened to traffic on Sept. 27.
Construction on the two Mississippi River Bridge towers is complete as they reach their final height of 400 feet. Construction of the driving surface for the bridge has started and workers are connecting more than 600 miles of cable to the towers and the roadway. Construction on the Illinois approach is proceeding well. The Missouri approach is complete.
Perhaps you've wondered how many hits the most popular EPG articles have. As of mid-October, the numbers of hits are:
20. EPG 136.12, 49145 10. EPG 903, 80464
19. EPG 1000, 58038 9. EPG 616, 96584
18. EPG 903.5, 63245 8. EPG 200, 109179
17. EPG 751.13, 63712 7. EPG 616.23, 110664
16. EPG 751.5, 66819 6. EPG 600, 132503
15. EPG 903.6, 68455 5. EPG 100, 158232
14. EPG 620.2, 69835 4. EPG 700, 164857
13. EPG 101, 74523 3. EPG 751, 172862
12. EPG 400, 75198 2. EPG 900, 183165
11. EPG 751.40, 75261 1. EPG Main Page, 842587

Project-Specific Information for the SWPPP

10/11/12: Project offices will be responsible for completing Form 806.8.2, Project-Specific SWPPP Information for all QC/QA jobs with one or more acres of total land disturbance.

Steel Plates in the Roadway

10/10/12: Guidance on the use and installation of steel plates on high-speed roadways is now available at EPG 616.6.46, EPG 616.23.3 Typical Applications and EPG 770.7.2 Concrete Deck Maintenance.

Turned-Down Guardrail Ends

10/10/12: Turned-down guardrail ends have been determined to be rarely appropriate and the practice is now prohibited. Guidance has been removed from EPG 616.1.3.6 Bridge Ends.

Anchor Bolt Wells

10/10/12: Guidance in EPG 712.1.3 Bearing (During Construction), EPG 751.11.3.5 Anchor Bolts and EPG 751.50 G1.15 notes and note H3.1 now allow the use of permanently placed galvanized corrugated steel pipe as forms for anchor bolt wells. If this method not used and drilling is required, the reinforcement is not to be cut.

"How to Develop a Winning Project Application"

10/5/12: This useful PowerPoint tutorial for LPAs is now available in EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics.

EPG 131.2 Proprietary Items and Public Interest Findings

10/4/12: The process of submitting requests for approval of proprietary items has been streamlined. Submit requests to for consideration. While this applies to both STIP and LPA projects, LPA projects must be submitted through the appropriate MoDOT staff (not directly from the LPA). Upon approval, an e-mail with a link to the approved request's digital image will be issued.

Standard Detailing Notes for Overcoating Existing Steel

10/4/12: Two notes pertaining to limits of paint overlap requirements were added.

EPG 907.6 Fatal Crash Reviews

10/3/12: This new article provides guidance for the reviews that districts are required to perform on every fatal crash that has occurred on our state system.

Edgeline Pavement Markings

10/1/12: The guidance in EPG 620.2.6 was updated to clarify where to begin and end edgeline stripes at at-grade crossings. Fig. 620.2.7 was also updated.

Environmental Requirements for Culverts

9/28/12: New and replacement culverts with inside widths or diameters greater than 4 ft. must have the culvert's invert embedded at least 1 ft. below the natural stream bottom and convey the geomorphic bankfull discharge with an average velocity within the culvert similar to upstream and downstream velocities. EPG 750.7.3.3 Environmental Requirements for Culverts is the primary source for this new requirement's details, but EPG, EPG 127.4.4 Maintenance Activities and EPG 750.2 Culverts were also among the articles affected. This revision is based on a new USCOE stricture.

Compensation for Changes in Access to Noncontiguous Properties

9/27/12: Guidance in EPG Compensation for Changes in Access was updated to show that now MoDOT will now always perform an appraisal when there is a shift in access to a noncontiguous property.

Pavement Marking

9/26/12: Both the Pavement Marking Guidelines table and EPG 620.1.4 Materials were revised because several non-standard JSPs (including epoxy and high build pavement markings) were combined into JSPs.

LPA Policy Changes

9/25/12: Information formerly available at EPG is now presented at EPG 136.13 LPA Policy Changes.

NU Girder Design

9/18/12: In EPG 751.22.2.3, guidance was clarified that for all NU girders the 3/8" diameter strands used for reinforcement support and the top, WWR are required and shall be used for A1 reinforcement design. In EPG 751.50, Note H2c2.10 was revised to define the required bond breaker at the edges of NU top flanges to be two layers of 30-lb roofing felt girders.

Safety Edge Guidance Clarification

9/17/12: On minor routes, a Safety EdgeSM will be constructed at the edge of each shoulder that is 4 ft. wide or narrower.

Safety Videos

9/17/12: Mowing Safety and Asphalt Operations are available for viewing at EPG 132 Safety and other articles. These videos were produced by MoDOT supervisors for MoDOT supervisors. The Mowing Safety video should assist the supervisors and crew leaders in their Morning Muster Safety talks.

Seal Coat Guidance

9/12/12: The Contract Seal Coat Guidelines, Job Special Provisions and the Contract Seal Coat Plan Templates have been updated.

Bridge Clearance Report Form (C-239A)

9/10/12: This form has been updated in both EPG 101 Standard Forms and EPG 760 General Construction Inspection for Structures.

Erosion & Sediment Control Plans

9/7/12: EPG Storm Water Regulations has been revised to comply with the land disturbance permit. A note must be added to erosion and sediment control plans identifying all the primary receiving waters within a project's limits and/or within one mile of the jobsite.

Major Highways Map

9/7/12: Transportation Planning has updated this important document in EPG 822.6 Definitions for Roadside Vegetation Management and numerous other articles. This map specifies roadways for many critical procedures.

EPG 1020.2.5.1 Mill and Factory Inspection

9/6/12: Guidance was revised to correct mil thicknesses of coating to harmonize with ASTM A924.

EPG 230.2.10 Bridge Considerations

9/5/12: The intent of design exception was clarified in the guidance for bridge considerations of vertical alignment.

Cost Estimate Guide for Rural Preliminary Design

9/5/12: This document has been updated with current figures in EPG 104.7 Estimates.

ADA Checklist

9/4/12: The ADA Checklist was updated, replacing the old "ADA Post-Construction Checklist". The new ADA Checklist presents expanded information to comply with the US Access Board's PROWAG 2005 and 2010 ADA/ABA standards.

Value Engineering

9/4/12: EPG 130 Value Engineering was clarified to bring guidance in line with nationwide VE standards.