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HELPFUL EPG VIDEOS: •Logging into the EPG
•Finding Info in the EPG
•Article History & How to Receive EMails When Articles are Revised
Joe Amos, Maintenance Crew Leader, prepares for removal of 7500 ft. of silt fence from along service roads of the Rte. 364 Page Extension that have been Accepted for Maintenance.
Intermediate Equipment Technician Mark Gott removes engine components in a dump truck engine overhaul at the SW District garage.

MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, were used to deliver those commitments and have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry.

These forward-thinking, innovative concepts are reflected in the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related guidance by combining the former Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance manuals.

MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software delivering the EPG. Millions of hits on the EPG endorse this format to be easy to navigate and pleasing to read. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist with helpful hints on how to use the EPG as well as other points of interest.

At the Missouri History Museum, St. Louis District Engineer Ed Hassinger discusses the need for pedestrians and bicyclists to be aware that they have primary responsibility for their own safety. He also explained that the motoring public has a responsibility to share the road in a safe and courteous manner.
Sign production comes to an end at the sign shop in Jefferson City. Sign production has been outsourced to three bidders: one near Kansas City, MO and the other two in Ohio and Arkansas. The contract was split into three categories: flat sheet signs, structural signs and unique signs. So far, MoDOT has been pleased with the response and quality of the signs produced by the new vendors. MoDOT employees who worked at the sign shop have been incorporated into maintenance forces where appropriate.
Perhaps you've wondered how many hits the most popular EPG articles have. As of mid-June, the numbers of hits are:
20. EPG 500, 41415 10. EPG 903, 72516
19. EPG 1000, 53934 9. EPG 616, 88252
18. EPG 101, 56498 8. EPG 616.23, 97043
17. EPG 903.5, 57179 7. EPG 200, 103762
16. EPG 751.5, 59900 6. EPG 600, 124393
15. EPG 751.13, 60471 5. EPG 100, 145741
14. EPG 903.6, 60906 4. EPG 700, 155430
13. EPG 620.2, 62681 3. EPG 751, 159884
12. EPG 751.40, 69506 2. EPG 900, 170826
11. EPG 400, 70044 1. EPG Main Page, 716404

Corrugated Polyethylene Culvert Pipe Random Sampling

6/14/12: The number of sampling specimens has been reduced from 4 to 2. Guidance has been expanded to explain how to request samples and who is responsible to supply the material.

EPG 134 Engineering Professional Services

6/13/12: EPG 134 Engineering Professional Services has been re-written for greater clarity. There are new, minor consultant requirements for invoice documentation.

EPG Lead Based Paint Abatement

6/12/12: For any lead testing activity, the contractor must be licensed as a lead abatement contractor and the contractor must provide the proper notification(s) to DHSS.

Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Info

6/12/12: In EPG 616.13 Work Zone Capacity, Queue and Travel Delay, the MoDOT Work Zone Impact Analysis Spreadsheet was updated with HCM 2010 Program info. Also, EPG 616.6.81 Lighting Devices and EPG 616.82 Floodlights were expanded by updated info moved from EPG 616.23.

Updated New Product Evaluation Form

6/11/12: The New Product Evaluation Form can now be filled out online and submitted electronically.

Demolition and Removal of Improvements

6/11/12: The process to request asbestos/painted concrete, block and brick inspection was clarified and simplified.

EPG 403.1.11 Field Adjustments of Job Mix Formulas

6/4/12: Revision gives field personnel improved guidance for making adjustments to bituminous job mix designs.

EPG 109.14 Price Adjustment for Fuel

6/1/12: Guidance for Price Adjustment for Fuel was expanded and brought into compliance with newly updated specs.

Mowing Major Roads

5/29/12: In EPG 822, the dates that required mowing on major roads must be completed by were revised. Guidance in EPG 822.1 Vegetation Management for Major Roads has been revised to reduce the number of mowings to three times per year.


5/25/12: Access to CAP-X, a tool that districts can use to consider alternative at-grade intersection types based upon peak flow volumes, has been provided in both EPG 128.1 Conceptual Study Report and EPG 233 At-Grade Intersections.

Expanded Pavement Maintenance Guidance

5/25/12: Practical operations guidance has been expanded in EPG 144.5 Pavement Maintenance.

Two New QRGs

5/24/12: Digital Signature for Adobe Pro 10 (Contractors) and Digital Signature for Adobe Pro 10 (MoDOT), with updated instructions for digital signatures using Adobe Pro 10, were placed in EPG 101 Standard Forms. The current digital signature QRGs will be temporarily available since not all users have the newer version of Adobe Pro.

EPG TM-84, Pipe Laser Profile Calibration

5/23/12: This new test method brings EPG guidance into concurrence with the specs.

EPG 173 Erosion Control for Maintenance Operations

5/22/12: This new article offers examples on how to maintain roadway slopes and ditches to prevent erosion and slides and how to repair slopes and ditches when they are impacted by slope erosion and slides.

EPG 402.5 Maintenance Operations Following Contract Level Course Projects

5/21/12: This new information was added by Construction and Materials and Maintenance to present work items needing to be addressed following overlay projects.

EPG 141.1 Cost Share/Economic Development Program

5/17/12: This article has been re-titled and slightly updated by Financial Services.

"How to Complete the RFQ and Get it Advertised"

5/11/12: This useful PowerPoint tutorial is now available in EPG

EPG 241 Aesthetic Considerations

5/4/12: This new article provides guidance for working with stakeholders when projects necessitate the responsible use of aesthetic applications.

Begin/End Project Signing

5/3/12: Fig. 616.1.4 Begin/End of Project Signing was updated to show that "Drive Smart" signs have been replaced with the new "Rate Our Work Zone" signs.

EPG 130.1.3 VE Workplan/Project Selection

4/27/12: Guidance now identifies the cost thresholds for federally required Value Engineering Studies.

EPG 135.1 The Section 106 Process for LPAs

4/26/12: EPG 135.1 has been updated to reflect the new LPA guidance in EPG 136 LPA Policy.

Project Estimate Record Sheet

4/26/12: Guidance has been added in EPG 124.1.1 Quality Control for the new Project Estimate Record Sheet, an essential component for the project estimate file.

New Article, EPG 950 Automated Traffic Enforcement

4/24/12: This new article provides automated traffic enforcement guidance as adopted by the Commission.

"Rate Our Work Zone" Signs

4/24/12: "Drive Smart" signs have been replaced with the new "Rate Our Work Zone" sign.

Construction Inspection of Concrete

4/24/12: Guidance about curing and transportation of compressive specimens was aligned with current industry practices in EPG 501.1.3.