Category:1070 Water
This article establishes procedures for sampling or approving water intended for use in mixing and curing Portland cement concrete, mortar and grout. It provides the material inspection guidelines for Sec 1070.
For Laboratory testing and sample reporting procedures, refer to 1070.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1070.
1070.1 Apparatus
One-half gallon (2-liter) clean plastic jug.
1070.2 Procedure
After a contractor or supplier has indicated his or her source of supply, obtain a sample of water and submit it to the Central Laboratory for approval, except water supplies that have been identified as potable water, which may be approved for use without further testing. Based on personal judgment that the water is satisfactory for its intended purpose, the District Operations Engineer may approve a water supply without testing. This method of approval is to be used sparingly and only when the supply is familiar and its characteristics are known.
A sample’s volume is one-half gallon (2-liter) and is taken from the vicinity where the water will be removed for use. Care should be taken to get representative samples, free of extraneous material such as sticks, leaves, etc.
Submit water samples to the Central Laboratory in one gallon (4-liter) or one-half gallon (2-liter) plastic jugs packed in a cardboard box. Plastic jugs, cardboard boxes and filament strapping tape are available from Central Office garage stockroom. Ordinary masking tape and cellulose tape are not considered suitable for use on these boxes. Clearly identify the sample by the creation of a SiteManager sample record (see AS-3510) and provide any supplementary information required. See 106.5 Sampling for additional sampling information.
1070.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1070
This article establishes procedures for Laboratory testing and reporting water that is to be used in mixing and curing Portland cement concrete, mortar and grout.
1070.3.1 Sample Preparation
Immediately prior to starting all tests on water, the sample as received in the laboratory should be agitated.
1070.3.2 Procedure
Chemical and physical tests on water samples shall be conducted according to the methods set forth in AASHTO T26. The pH test is performed according to standard laboratory practice. If the pH test shows that the sample is out of the acceptable pH range or if the sample contains oil, acid, alkali, salt, or organic matter, then determine the autoclave expansion and 7-day compressive strength as described in the specification. Original test data and calculations shall be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results shall then be recorded through SiteManager.
1070.3.3 Sample Record
The sample record shall be completed in SiteManager, as described in Automation Sec 3510, and shall indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in 106.9 Reporting Test Results, are to be included in the remarks to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. Test results shall be reported on the appropriate templates under the Tests tab.
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