Category:460 General Requirements for Bituminous Construction

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The General Requirements for Bituminous Construction is to guide the bituminous plant and roadway inspectors in the inspection of construction of various types of hot mix asphalt pavements. This section contains information common to all bituminous specification sections. However, this is not a contract document and is to be used solely as a commentary on the Standard Specifications.

It is the inspector’s responsibility to assure that all contract requirements are met. The inspectors will be familiar with the Standard Specifications and all contract documents. It is the contractor’s responsibility to produce an acceptable product that meets the requirements of the contract. Each should recognize and respect the position of the other. Maintain, within the framework of these instructions, an attitude of cooperation and professionalism toward the contractor. Do not delay operations unnecessarily. Continuous paving operations are desirable for both the quality of the product and the contractor’s production. The plant and roadway inspectors are directly responsible to the Resident Engineer (RE). Any misunderstandings that the inspector cannot readily resolve should be promptly brought to the RE’s attention. The plant inspector and roadway inspector should keep in close contact with each other.

Articles in "460 General Requirements for Bituminous Construction"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.