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Revision as of 13:05, 12 December 2018 by Smithk (talk | contribs) (EPG 127.1)
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MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, were used to deliver those commitments and have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry.

These forward-thinking, innovative concepts are reflected in the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related guidance by combining the former Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance manuals.

MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software delivering the EPG. Millions of hits on the EPG endorse this format to be easy to navigate and pleasing to read. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist with helpful hints on how to use the EPG as well as other points of interest.

EPG 127.1 Request for Environmental Services

12/12/18: Guidance regarding submittals of a final RES and the requirement of only 1 RES for some projects has been updated.

TMA Light Bar

12/11/18: Guidance in EPG 612.1.2 MoDOT Protective Vehicle/TMA Marking and Lighting and EPG 616.27.1.1 Fleet Lighting Levels, Level 5 has been updated to state that the Light Bar may be used and the Emergency Alert lights should be used on the Rear Advanced Warning Truck for striping and sweeping operations. TA-35 MT and TA-35a-d MT were also updated.

Engineering Factors Report

12/10/18: The latest version of the Engineering Factors Report, providing SFY 2016 to SFY 2018 info, is now presented in EPG 104.7 Estimates.

EPG 413.6 Scrub Seal Treatment

12/10/18: Scrub seal treatment guidance is now available.

AASHTOWare Project Quick Reference Guides

12/10/18: AASHTOWare Project Quick Reference Guides are now available in EPG 101 Standard Forms.

EPG 127.9.2 Process

12/4/18: Guidance to adhere to CFR 650.111 was added to the bottom of EPG 127.9.2.

EPG 127.15.3 Document Age

11/30/18: Re-evaluations are required for all NEPA approvals that are more than 3 years old.

NEPA Glossary

11/29/18: A new glossary of NEPA terms is now available in EPG 127.14 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Classification and Documents.

EPG 236.16.15 Vegetation Removal

11/28/18: Guidance was updated, particularly in EPG Endangered Species Act and EPG Mowing and Brush Hogging, to be in line with the Endangered Species Act

EPG 141.1 Cost Share Program

11/20/18: Guidance in EPG 141.1 Cost Share Program has been updated as approved by the Commission. The revisions will impact the program statewide.

Permanent Sidewalk Easement Clause

11/19/18: In EPG Types of Realty Acquired and Clauses to be Used in Property Descriptions, a permanent sidewalk easement clause is now available for districts' use.

EPG 105.9.12 Preconstruction Conference

11/15:18: Subjects to be discussed at this conference now include review of the process to request any DBE termination, substitution or addition.

EPG Schedule for Submittal

11/7/18: Guidance has been added about a required e-mail for re-let or moved projects.

EPG 604, Construction Requirements (Sec 604.10.3)

10/30/18: When approached with alternative products on a job as part of a change order or VE, this new guidance states that the RE should initially determine suitability and also consult the Field Office and New Products Coordinator to ensure value, uniformity and tracking.

Placing Diaphragm Concrete

10/25/18: In EPG 703.2.8 Concrete Placement, this new presentation explains a MoDOT best practice.

EPG 626 Rumble Strips

10/23/18: Clarified the location of the rumbles strips and pavement markings for differing shoulder and pavement conditions. The minimum pavement thickness was revised from from 1 3/4" to 1".

EPG TM-7, Rebound Hammer for Opening Strength of Full Depth Concrete Pavement Repairs

10/23/18: This new test method corresponds to the spec change in Sec 613 that allows this alternate test method.

Prestressed Concrete I Girders

10/23/18: NU 78 details were placed back into EPG 751.22.1.2 Geometric Dimensions, EPG 751.22.3.9 Open Intermediate Bent Diaphragms and EPG 751.22.3.10 Closed Intermediate Bent Diaphragms. NU flange blockout guidance was also added and concrete diaphragm details were clarified.

Bending Diagrams

10/16/18: In EPG 751.12.2.3 End Bent Reinforcement, the bending diagrams were revised to accommodate safety barrier reinforcement. A reinforcing clearance note in H10a. Conventional-Formed Barrier standard notes was added to avoid possible confusion when placing barrier reinforcement at end bents.

EPG 751.50 Standard Detailing Notes

10/12/18: Notes J1.12b, J1.21b and J1.25A have been added. J1.25 was revised to clarify maximum applied bearing pressure limit.

EPG 127.14 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Classification and Documents

10/11/18: This article has been extensively revised to reflect current procedures.

EPG TM-88 Bond Strength Test for Tack Coat

10/10/18: This new Test Method is now available.

EPG 771.1 Concrete Bridge Approach Slab Repair: Slab Stabilization (Jacking)

10/10/18: This article has been re-titled. Also, the requirement for the formed underseal access hole for the concrete bridge approach slabs has been eliminated.

EPG 110.3 Equipment Rental with Operator and Purchase Ordered Work

9/25/18: Guidance about which certified payrolls are required for rental equipment operators was clarified.

Bridge Survey Checklist

9/24/18: Guidance about the Bridge Survey Checklist was clarified in EPG 238.3.36 Bridge Surveys, EPG 747.2.2.1 Bridge Survey Report, EPG 747.2.3 Bridge Survey Sheet Data, EPG 747.2.3.4 Profile Sheets and EPG 750. Other Bridges.