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HELPFUL EPG VIDEOS: •Logging into the EPG
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•Article History & How to Receive EMails When Articles are Revised
Intermed. Field Acquisition Technician Joe Horan sets a road tube in Hannibal to perform a traffic count. A road tube is one of the most accurate and economical methods to collect traffic counts.
Motorist Assistance Operator Craig Burgett has, for the second time in two years, thwarted criminal activity along Kansas City’s highways. The most recent incident occurred while he was on duty Dec. 8 along I-35 near The Paseo. Burgett summed the incident up as "another exciting day on the ER shift!"
Sr. Maint. Worker Steve Washam (foreground) and Maint. Crew Leader Richard Shelton (background) patch a pothole. Freezing water expands within roads' surface cracks to create potholes. If you see a pothole, call 1-888-ASK MODOT or report it online.

MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, were used to deliver those commitments and have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry.

These forward-thinking, innovative concepts are reflected in the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related guidance by combining the former Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance manuals.

MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software delivering the EPG. Millions of hits on the EPG endorse this format to be easy to navigate and pleasing to read. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist with helpful hints on how to use the EPG as well as other points of interest.

Dignitaries, including St. Louis District Engineer Ed Hassinger, break ground on a new $110.9 million Missouri River bridge between St. Charles and St. Louis counties. The I-64 bridge is being built upstream of the existing two river crossings and, when it is complete in late 2015, will replace the original 1935 bridge.
Perhaps you've wondered how many hits the most popular EPG articles have. As of late January, the numbers of hits are:
20. EPG 1000, 60411 10. EPG 101, 89358
19. EPG 136.12, 64647 9. EPG 616, 102246
18. EPG 751.13, 68229 8. EPG 200, 113502
17. EPG 903.5, 70860 7. EPG 616.23, 119087
16. EPG 751.5, 73351 6. EPG 600, 137996
15. EPG 903.6, 74860 5. EPG 100, 165403
14. EPG 620.2, 77259 4. EPG 700, 172741
13. EPG 400, 79013 3. EPG 751, 185629
12. EPG 751.40, 81881 2. EPG 900, 191207
11. EPG 903, 86864 1. EPG Main Page, 949482

FHWA Submittal for Preliminary Design of Bridges and Boxes

1/16/13: In EPG 751.1.2.31 FHWA Submittal, the flowchart was updated to conform with the latest FHWA/MoDOT stewardship/oversight agreement.

Job Order Contracting Guard Cable JSP

1/11/13: The lastest JOC guard cable JSP is now available.

TM-59, Determination of the International Roughness Index

1/10/13: TM-59 has been completely rewritten to comply with the revised Sec 610.

Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Concrete Curing

1/10/13: References to an AASHTO test were replaced with an ASTM test to bring the guidance into compliance with specs.

EPG 950.2 Automated Enforcement of Speed Violations

1/10/13: A useful checklist has been provided to help districts comply with policy.

Constructability Guidelines for Minor Rtes. Shouldering Projects

1/10/13: Additional guidance has been provided to quantify, estimate and pay for grading.

Job Order Contracting JSPs

1/4/13: Most of the JSPs have been updated. In the near future, the guard cable JSP will also be updated.

EPG 105.23 Quality Management (QM)

12/31/12: This new subarticle provides very general QM info, although much more information will follow. QM is now included in almost all projects. It is not optional and is part of the Bolder Five-Year Direction.

Class 3 Excavation

12/20/12: EPG 206.2 Class 3 Excavation was revised to provide pay quantities that allow the contractor to bid more accurately.

Sample Record General Information

12/18/12: This QRG has been updated due to revisions in internal computing processes.

EPG 903.5.30 Traffic Signal Signs (R10-3, R10-5 through R10-30)

12/18/12: The guidance in EPG 903.5.20 was generally clarified and references to two signs, R10-15 and R10-30, were added.

EPG 606.2.3.3 Median Width

12/18/12: Guidance on the effect of median width on cable warrants has been clarified.

EPG 172 Maintenance Facility Performance Expectations Environmental Compliance

12/12/12: In EPG 172.10 Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure (SPCC), a link to tools to assist with SPCC plan development was added. Minor clarifications were also made in EPG 172.10 and EPG 172.11 SPCC and Various Statewide Issues.

EPG 134 Engineering Professional Services

12/11/12: Numerous group email addresses were added to guidance. Also, in EPG 134.4 Contract Approval, Execution and Distribution the distribution and number of copies of executed contracts was adjusted.

Settlement for Left-Over Material on a Construction Project

12/10/12: In EPG 108.11 Termination of Contract for Convenience of the Commission, guidance was added for more statewide consistency in resolving payment for leftover material.

New Diverging Diamond Interchange Warning Signs

12/5/12: Guidance for the new DDI warning sign assembly has been added as EPG 903.6.7.5 and EPG 903.6.7.6 and expanded in EPG Signing. Also, in EPG 903.6.7 Horizontal Alignment Signs, guidance has been provided for the use of the Advisory Speed Supplemental Plaque with horizontal alignment signs.

Finger Plate Expansion Devices

11/30/12: Finger detail figures have been added to EPG 751.13.6.2 Details at Bents.

Safety Begins With You

11/27/12: Be on the lookout for the new Safety Begins With You boxes in several EPG articles. Videos, pamphlets and handouts delivering useful safety info will be presented. The boxes now appear in EPG 132 Safety, EPG 142 Missouri One Call System, EPG 144 Practical Operations, EPG 170 Maintenance Activity Planning Guidelines, EPG 171 Maintenance Policy and Operations, EPG 400 Flexible Pavement, EPG 616.5 Flagger Control, EPG 641 Bicycle Facilities, EPG 643 Utility Procedures, EPG 822 Roadside Vegetation Management and EPG 1100 Maintenance Materials.

EPG 751.1.2.32 Aesthetic Enhancements

11/26/12: New guidance has been added about the preferred way to specify form liners.

EPG 903.5.30 Traffic Signal Signs (R10-3, R10-5 through R10-30)

11/26/12: The NO TURN ON RED sign policy was updated to comply with the MUTCD.

EPG Summary Packet of Materials Inspected

11/19/12: The Summaries for Mixing Facility Components, I.A.S and F.A.S.T were deleted since these processes no longer apply.

EPG 620.2.2.1 Establishing and Recording No Passing Zones

11/19/12: A statement was removed about an electronic system available to districts for documenting no-passing zones. The system no longer exists and an adequate replacement is not available at this time.

Conveyance Document

11/14/12: The Full Disclosure Clause in EPG Full Disclosure Clause was updated.

Flat Plate Expansion Devices

11/13/12: In EPG 751.13.5.1, general guidance was added. Also, a Bridge standard drawing table in EPG 751.13.5.4 replaced numerous figures and further serves as detail references.

Line Item Adjustments

11/8/12: Guidance on spreadsheet security messages was added to this QRG.