Category:237 Contract Plans

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Revision as of 13:47, 18 May 2009 by Smithk (talk | contribs) (Guidance for ARRA projects provided)
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Electronic Plans Room

The electronic plans room allows anyone to view, print or download highway plans for free. Even the general public has access to project plans by visiting

Electronic plans, proposals and addendums for all jobs let in the monthly Bid Opening
Merged pdf files of the electronic plans, proposals and addendums for all jobs let in the monthly Bid Opening are available on MoDOT's public drive at:
P:\_Electronic Plans & Proposals\Year\Month
Only MoDOT employees may refer to these documents.
Where to Find Project Development Manual (PDM) Information in the EPG
Because of the historical document's wide application, the PDM’s contents have been applied throughout the EPG. Thus, unlike some divisions’ manuals, there are few places in the EPG where large portions of the PDM’s contents remained contiguous. This table will help the reader locate the main portions of the former PDM. The EPG material may not be as extensive as the PDM information was (perhaps because the PDM information was deemed to be primarily in the domain of another division and that division chose not to provide such extensive text on the topic), but may also be expanded and in more than one EPG article. In some cases, MoDOT has revised its Design philosophy so that the previous PDM information no longer applies.
Chapter I, General Information
Chapter II, Preliminary Design
Chapter III, Surveys
Chapter IV, Detail Design
Chapter V, Bridge Report and Layout
Chapter VI, Pavement Structure Design
Chapter VII, Utilities
Chapter VIII, Traffic Control Devices
Chapter IX, Hydraulics and Drainage

The contract plans include a title sheet, a summary and tabulation of quantities, plan-profile sheets, special provisions, estimates and other specialized information. An equipment and materials list may also be necessary. Contract time is set to encourage contractors to diligently prosecute the work in a reasonable fashion while causing the least disruption to traffic.

Guidance for the submission of plans and supporting documents, the distribution and signing and sealing of the plans is also provided in this article. The design electronic data used in the development of the contract plans must be submitted along with all other project documents to Design via the ProjectWise document management system.

In order to preserve the integrity of the bidding process, it is imperative to strictly limit project information communicated to the public. MoDOT requires all bidders have the same information from which to prepare a bid.

Guidance for ARRA Projects

MoDOT was the first state department of transportation in the nation to begin construction on highway projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
A list of Missouri projects being scheduled or accelerated under ARRA is available. All ARRA projects will meet all federal regulations, including environmental clearances, contracting requirements and air quality rules. Primary differences between delivering the ARRA projects verses delivering MoDOT's other funded projects can be summarized as follows:
1) June 30, 2009 for 50% of the funds and March 2, 2010 for all funds obligated are absolutes. ARRA funds will not exist after March 2, 2010.
2) Documentation of the process from project selection through construction complete is critical. That is, all information on each individual project (estimate files, design files, bidding, construction documents, etc) shall be maintained in one location within the district.
3) Each ARRA funded project must include specific contract requirements (JSP) directed at employment reporting by the prime contractor and subs.
4) Required reporting and posting documentation. Organizational Results is completing this task, but will request information as needed.
5) Accelerated project delivery and maintain quality of plans.
For additional information, refer to What You Should Know About ARRA, MoDOT’s ARRA Documents and Transparency site and ARRA projects in the STIP.
36 in. x 48. in. POP sign for ARRA projects
96 in. x 48. in. POP sign for ARRA projects
The READY TO GO POP signs are intended to be installed on all ARRA projects no matter the size or duration. These signs are replacements for normal POP signs that may be shown on the plans.
The recommended use for the 36 in. x 48 in. READY TO GO sign is:
* On low volume routes, typically 400 AADT
* On projects who's duration is scheduled to last 4 weeks or less
* In urban areas or on routes where right of way restrictions do not afford the room to install the 4 ft. x 8 ft. sign
The recommended use for the 96 in. x 48 in. READY TO GO sign is for all other applications.
Post requirements for the smaller sign would be two 3-pound channels or one 2.5 in. PSST post.
When district construction asks for the POP signs to be ordered by their district sign procurement person, they need to specify if the sign is for an ARRA job so the requisition can reflect this. The pay items for these two signs are 616-11.34, "Installing Point of Presence 36 in. x 48 in. Sign" and 616-11.33A, "Installing Point of Presence 96 in. x 48 in. Sign". The new READY TO GO Point of Presence signs will use the same pay items as the standard Point of Presence signs.
Guidance for ARRA Projects