Category:106 Control of Material

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This article contains guidelines for Construction and Materials functions, including information from the former Construction and Materials Manual, Volumes 1-3.

For field inspection guidance, refer to EPG “Construction Inspection Guidelines” articles for the specific spec number desired. For example, 616.18 Construction Inspection Guidelines for Sec 616 is the article for temporary traffic control. Additional field inspection guidelines are located in the EPG 1100 Maintenance Materials group of articles, such as 1106 Carbide-Tipped Snowplow Blades.

Laboratory testing guidelines, like the field inspection guidelines, are located in “Laboratory Testing Guidelines” articles for the specific spec number desired. For example, 1020.8 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1020 pertains to sampling metallic-coated steel culvert metal. Additional laboratory testing guidelines are located in the EPG 1100 Maintenance Materials group of articles, such as 1124.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines.

The Automation Guide is available through 106.10 Automation of Material Procedures.

Payment documentation is available at 109.1 Payment Documentation Manual.

MoDOT’s Test Methods are located at 106.7 Material Inspection Test Methods.

MoDOT's pre-qualified or pre-established lists are located at 106.1 Approved and Pre-Qualified Lists. Guidance for pre-acceptance lists (PAL) and the PAL Inspection Guide is available at 106.2 Pre-Acceptance Lists (PAL). New product evaluation information and forms are located at 106.19 New Product Evaluation.

The Technician Certification Program includes a wide variety of information from how to become certified, to certification manuals to math topics.

The General Sections of the former Construction and Materials Manual are also available, including safety, calibrations, sampling, internal material records, certifications, reporting test results, summary of materials inspected, guideline revisions, Pipe Shipping Report Form, special designs, product requirements for temporary traffic control devices, pavement marking and delineation and other items.

Inspection guidelines for the Missouri Logo Sign Program, formerly included in the former Construction and Materials Manual, is available.

Guidance is also available for MoDOT inspections based on non-MoDOT specifications.

Where to Find Construction and Materials Function Articles in the EPG
* Field Inspection Guidance EPG articles from the former Construction and Materials Manual, Volume 1
* Laboratory Testing Guide EPG articles from the former Construction and Materials Manual, Volume 2
* Automation Guide EPG article from the former Construction and Materials Manual, Volume 3
* Payment Documentation
* Material Inspection Test Methods
* Approved and Pre-Qualified Lists
* Pre-Acceptance Lists (PAL) and Forms
* New Product Evaluation
* Job Special Provisions
* Materials General Services Special Provisions (MGS) By Subject
* Technician Certification Program
* Active Project Directory
* Materials Personnel

Abbreviations and definitions

Abbreviations and definitions used in 106 Control of Material include:

AOAC, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists

Bid Request or Bid Proposal, An invitation to suppliers to submit a bid for furnishing materials and service needed, in specified quantities, in accordance with MoDOT requirements. The request furnishes the necessary information for the supplier to prepare a bid.

Certification, A document issued by a company wherein they certify that material is in accordance with the specification. Explicit requirements are shown in 106.8 Certifications.

District, One of ten geographical areas of the state of Missouri administered by a District Engineer of MoDOT.

FTMS, Federal Test Method Standards

Material, The substance or substances incorporated in the construction or maintenance of highway structures, bridges and incidentals.

Purchase Order, The notice to a supplier that the bid has been accepted and that the supplier may proceed to deliver the material or perform the service specified in the bid request. The purchase order further informs MoDOT personnel to proceed with inspection, if required and acceptance.

Quotation, A statement, in writing, by a supplier that materials or services needed by MoDOT will be supplied at a certain price.

Refer to Sec 101 for any abbreviation or definition not listed above.